For the benefit of our Ministerial cadre!

4th Floor, GST Bhawan, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad - 380006

Running Text

Congratulations and welcome to the new AIB team! Let us usher in an era of revolution against the injustice meted out against the Ministerial cadre!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Meeting with Member (P&V) at New Delhi

Dear Comrades,

        The Association had requested the Hon’ble Member (P&V) of CBEC, to convene a meeting with the Office bearers of the Association, in order to discuss and resolve the long pending demands. On consideration of the said request, the Member has convened a meeting on the 06th of November, 2012 at 11.00 Hrs.

2.     In view of the above, it has been decided to hold a meeting of the Office Bearers of the All India Association. Accordingly, notice is hereby given for a meeting of all the Office Bearers of the All India Association at New Delhi on 05.11.2012 at 18.00 Hrs. The agenda for the meeting is as under:-

  • ·         Developments on Cadre Restructuring proposal 
  • ·        Discuss and Finalise the agenda which are to be raised in the Meeting with the Member (P&V) on various pending demands
  • ·         Issues related to framing of Recruitment Rules
  • ·         Renewal of recognition of the Association
  • ·         Other issues concerning the cadre

3.     All the Office Bearers of the All India Association are requested to attend the said meeting. They are also requested to bring to notice any issue concerning the cadre, which requires to be taken up with the Board/Ministry in the said meeting.
4.     Further, the zones/units are requested that the DDO certificates are obtained and submitted to the All India Association latest by 01.11.2012 for renewal of recognition of the Association.

Comradely yours
Secretary General.

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