Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pune, the 22nd November, 2011

Dear Members,

The undersigned is in receipt of numerous telephonic calls from aggrieved members of the Cadre raising concerns and wanting to know the reasons for the said course of action being adopted by the Board and the future stand that the Association is likely to take.

Vide this message, each and every concerned member is being informed that practically it is not possible for me to communicate the entire details telephonically to one and all calling me over the said issue.  It is therefore requested that all concerned members may send in their suggestions, opinions, comments with regard to the unilateral decision of the Board in merging DOS and STA cadres on my email id –

The office bearers of All India Association have already firmed up a unanimous stand and incase diplomatic efforts of the Association is not yielding the desired results, then by the 25th of November, 2011 the All India Association will be serving the notice of agitation to the Hon'ble Finance Minister, Hon'ble Revenue Secretary and other officials.

"United we stand and divided we fall, Safeguard the Ministerial Cadre by honouring the Association's call".

Yours sincerely,
Thomas Mony.


  1. The solution of this whole issue is to grant 4600 grade pay to DOS and 4800 grade pay to AO only. After that what ever they want to do is not at all a problem.

  2. solutions are:-

    1) Grant 4600 and 4800 to DOS and AO respectively.

    2) If the Board is firm on not granting 4600 and 4800, let them atleast abolish the post of DOS so that degradation (merger exercise) can be avoided. After last DOS gets promoted to AO, the post will vanish in the department. Side by side, for 4800 gpay to AO should be pursued.

    3) In DRI & DGCEI, STA is the feeder cadre for both AO and Intelligence Officer (Inspector). This has been the structure after the last cadre restructure.

    4) DOS being a few in number, as a last resort, if the Board is so adament, then let them not merge but follow the step which was followed last time restructure (as it happened last time both TAs (4500 scale) and UDCs (4000 scale) could be inspectors straight away, let them allow both DOS and STA to be Inspector/AO on option basis either to be Inspector or AO. Let them announce abolition of post of DOS and abolish &downgrade the same to STA post, after person occupying DOS post becomes AO. By this way, STA will continue to be feeder cadre for both Inspector and AO. DOS will get abolished after it is vacated by persons holding the post. This abolition exercise will atleast help a few to get one more MACP benefit (a few would have been there in some zone from the grade of UDC of STeno on promotion would have been DOS). Since the post is no longer in existence in the Department, one more MACP benefit would be there. Existing structure of STA will not be disturbed. Merger, a degrading exercise of DOS post will not be there atleast (though placing them as feeder cadre post for Inspector itself is a degradation), atleast MACP benefit for a few who continue in Admn line will be available.
    For example, I have been from Steno Grade-III to DOS post. If DOS post is merged with STA and given a new name, that post will be in existence and I will be losing one MACP. If DOS post is abolished, I will get one more MACP. As my promotion will be only to AO post from Steno and in between post of DOS will get nullified on abolition.

    If people are willing to go for Inspector post also from DOS, let them make it feeder cadre for the time being and make STA as feeder cadre after restructure henceforth and then abolish DOS after it is vacated on promotion from DOS post to Inspector/AO. But, let them not merge these posts into one.

    Pl. impress upon the Board for straightaway abolition instead of merger if 4600 grade pay appears to be not possible.

    This view is with an element of fear and selfishness too.
