Thursday, November 17, 2011


New Delhi, the 17th November, 2011
Dear Members,

As you all are aware the Association was following up our various pending demands in the Board and was also closely monitoring the developments on the same. While doing so, it is learnt that the Board has taken a decision-in-principle, to merge the cadres of DOS and STA, without any consultation whatsoever, with the Association, on the pretext that the Association had sought temporary downgradation of the posts of DOS to STA, for facilitating removal of stagnation in the grade of TA in some zones and provide promotional opportunities. A copy of the decision is placed below for information of the Members.

          The Association had submitted the following letters in the recent past, objecting to such a proposal. 

        Every time the leaders met the senior officers of the Board to raise these apprehensions and convey our objections, we were being assured that same would be examined and we shall be kept informed, before a final decision is taken on the subject matter.

Our worst fears have now come true.  That these were false assurances like the many that were given to us in the past.  The historical backstabbing precedence of the Board which occured during the 27th and 28th of January, 2001 i.e., the Board had given a written assurance that the cadre of DEOs will not be merged with that of the Ministerial cadre in the then cadre restructuring proposal and later went ahead with the said proposal keeping us in the dark, despite the assurance to the contrary, is being repeated once again.
        While the Association had been demanding a change in the hierarchical structure, in accordance with the recommendations of the 6th CPC, in the current cadre restructuring proposal which is under consideration of the Board, the same was not accepted. Pursuant to our consistent efforts, the DG, HRD had accepted to incorporate certain changes in the cadre restructuring proposal, by increasing the number of posts in the grades of CAO and AO, so as to provide relief to the stagnating cadres of AOs and DOS. While the said proposal had been cleared by the Board & the Department of Expenditure and is now under examination by the DOP&T, the Board has surreptitiously mooted the current proposal, behind the back of the Association, with the sole intention/ objective of denying/nullifying this said benefit and to destroy the entire Ministerial cadre. The supervisory cadre of DOS, which stands demoralized after the denial of higher Grade Pay now has been further insulted through this devastating proposal of the Board. While the Board has been very active to do any damage to the cadre, it has always been found to drag its feet to meet the legitimate demands of our cadre during the past decade, and the following issues stand testimony to the same:-

(a)         Revision of Recruitment Rules of CAO
(b)         Revision of Recruitment Rules of AO
(c)          Promotion to the grade of CAO
(d)        Upgradation of Pay scales of AO & DOS
(e)     Determination of nature of duties and responsibilities for the Ministerial cadre.

It is thus clear that none of our demands will be achieved without a strong agitational programme. The Association is left with no other alternative other than to proceed with serving a notice of agitation before the Hon’ble Finance Minister, the Revenue Secretary and other authorities.
The details of the proposed agitational programme, will be made known soon after consultation with the Office bearers. The unit representatives are requested to take up the issue with their respective cadre controlling authorities, by submitting a memorandum (copy placed here) objecting to the proposed merger of DOS and STA. 

        United we stand, divided we fall. All the Members may be prepared to stand by the decision of the Association, in the interest of the entire Ministerial cadre.

Comradely Yours,
Thomas Mony,
Secretary General

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