Monday, November 28, 2011


Date:- 28.11.2011
Dear Members,

            The much awaited Draft seniority list in respect of the Administrative Officers has been communicated by the DG, HRD to the Association. Due to the persistent efforts of the Association, another key demand stands achieved. A copy of the draft seniority list of Administrative Officers can be accessed by clicking here.

Discrepancies if any may kindly be sent to the DG, HRD through proper channel, i.e., through the respective Cadre Controlling authorities.   However, with the issuance of the draft seniority list, the Association feels that now the onus shifts on those Administrative Officers who have been delaying submission of relevant documents to the Board for taking care of the discrepancies raised by the UPSC with regard to the holding of DPC to the grade of Chief Accounts Officer.

            Incase the UPSC/Board is not assisted with the required documents, the Association shall impress upon all its responsible members to embark upon an exercise to ascertain the zones/authorities responsible for withholding information/not providing the requisite information etc., etc., through Right to Information Act applications, and thereafter follow up with fixing of responsibilities on the deliquent officers working in the various Commissionerates etc.  Needless to mention, the patience of the eligible Ministerial officers is diminishing and with that increases the pressure on the Association office bearers.  I wish to keep one and all informed through this message that ample efforts shall be put in to ensure that the CAO DPC takes place in time, or else responsibility is fixed on the entire group/bunch of officers who have been instrumental in getting the same delayed for some reason or the other.  Do note that APAR documents speak volumes and hope no officer would like to get discredited for such a petty issue, which is of prime importance to this Association.  The Association shall not be continuing with begging/pleading techniques but instead shall submit the first RTI application in the first week of December, 2011 and the onus for the said exercise would rest on those officers who have been ignoring the requirement of the Ministerial officers royally.

As regards, the matter relating to merger of Deputy Office Superintendent and Senior Tax Assistant, a letter addressed to the zonal cadre controlling authorities (zonal Chief Commissioners) has been prepared. The same can be downloaded by clicking here. The office bearers of the local Associations may kindly download and submit the same to the respective Chief Commissioners (Cadre Controlling Authorities) and impress upon them to forward it with their positive recommendations on the matter.  Under no circumstances, the responsible office bearers of this Association would like or appreciate mute leaders at the local level who receive any communication of the Board with great respect and keep mum over the entire issue.  The degree of injustice on the entire Ministerial Cadre has crossed all limits, starting from the non-holding of CAO DPC for years together, not granting higher grade pay to the Administrative Officers and Deputy Office Superintendents, the proposed unilateral merger of DOS and STA posts by the Board thereby making a mockery of the hierarchial structure of Ministerial mainstream, not granting the grade pay of Rs.2800/- to the Tax Assistants etc., etc.   Concerted efforts are being made to address the issue and further developments and course of action to be adopted on the matter would be made known to one and all very soon.  While some officers are playing pranks with our cadre, its high time that the real worth of the Ministerial cadre is felt or else within no time the entire cadre shall perish, with the Administration being the loser finally.

 Hope good sense prevails and expecting the maximum from the local Associations at this time of crisis on the entire cadre, I remain,

Comradely yours,
Thomas Mony,
Secretary General

PS :- The Association may be provided with scanned copies of submissions made to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities with regard to the proposed merger of DOS and STA by the 30th of November, 2011 to decide the further course of action.  Non-submission of the same shall only delay the decision on further course of action to the adopted by the Association.  During the previous restructuring, all the Associations were kept in dark about the methodology adopted whereas the DOP&T and Expenditure Department had insisted for "No Objection" from the recognized Associations which process had delayed the entire process and once again the ensuing Cadre Review Process too had given no cognizance to the submissions made by our Association thereby aggravating the injustice caused.  The Board has given this Cadre ample cause to take up issues before the judiciary and incase the officers responsible for the Cadre Restructuring in the existing format feel that an injunction from the Court is required, then the same shall be resorted to, at the appropriate time.

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