Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Update on Visit to New Delhi

Pune, the 07th November, 2011

Dear Members,
        Our President, Shri.Ashim Pramanick (Kolkatta) as well as Asst. Secretary General, M.Chokkalingam (Bangalore) had recently visited New Delhi in order to follow up the pending demands of the Association. As you all are aware the file relating to the upgradation of payscales of Administrative officers and Deputy office superintendents has been forwarded to the Department of Expenditure, with a positive recommendation from the Board. In fact, it is learnt that the file has been forwarded alongwith a D.O. letter from the ex-Chairman of CBEC, who was very sensitive to our issues and took enough interest in settling some of the pending demands pertaining to various cadres of our Association.

        As a follow up measure, the leaders had met the Secretary, Department of Expenditure on the 03rd November, 2011 and explained the issue threadbare. The Joint Secretary (Pers.), of the Department of Expenditure was also present in the meeting. Both of them gave a patient hearing and enquired as to whether any other department has given a higher grade pay to the AOs. In this regard, the orders issued in the Department of Telecommunication, was shown and a copy has been submitted, upon perusal of which they stated that the same will be taken into account while considering the demand of the Association. The Association is hopeful of a positive outcome on the matter.
        The issue regarding holding of DPC for the post of Chief Accounts Officer is getting delayed only because, certain cadre controlling authorities are not showing the necessary keenness in doing their job, i.e., furnishing the ACRs and vigilance clearance (integrity certificates etc.,). Earlier post on this issue refers. It is ironical to state that there is insensitivity prevailing on this issue at the field level and hence the common members who have read this message from the respective Commissionerates are requested to approach the Cadre Controlling A.O/Superintendent and ensure that they are informed of the deficiency pending from their zone.  Incase the authorities are not responding favourably, kindly keep the All India Association posted of the facts, so that the matter could be taken up with the Member(P&V), CBEC, New Delhi.

        Another issue, which has made progress is the draft seniority list of Administrative Officers. It has been stated that the list will be circulated within the next few days, probably by this weekend. On the cadre review front, it has been learnt that the DG, HRD has completed its presentation with DOPT, and no more queries are pending against our proposal. Possibly, the clearance for the same could come through any time, or as soon as the proposal of CBDT is ready for approval. The issue relating to the relaxation for promotion to the grade of Senior Tax Assistants and Inspectors, have not made any progress. The matter was discussed with the Member (P&V) and the Joint Secretary (Admin), among other issues, to which they assured that the same will be considered positively.

        Further, it has been reported that certain zones are not implementing one of the recent decisions of the Board, which was issued while accepting the verdict of the Hon’ble Tribunal, Chandigarh Bench on the matter of age bar for promotion to the grade of Inspectors. One such instance is being brought to the notice of one and all.  The Association is taking up this matter separately.  However, if such instances are prevailing elsewhere, the same may be brought to the notice of the Board/Association. For the benefit of the members, a copy of the order of the Tribunal alongwith a sample instance of denial to implement the Court/Board directive is made available for your information. Its pathetic to note that an interpretation of the Recruitment Rule, done by the judiciary, takes effect from the date of its Notification and denial to Review all the DPCs held from 07.12.2002 is illegal, absurd and needs to be countered well at the respective Cadre Controlling level.  If injustice still prevails, do keep us informed so that timely remedial measures could be initiated. Please click here for the order and do view the letter too.

        As stated earlier, the then Hon’ble Chairman Shri.S.Dutt Majumder, has relinquished his office on attaining superannuation w.e.f. 31.10.2011. The Association wishes to place on record his genuine concerns towards our cadre, and the timely support owing to which there has been ample progress made on our pending demands would have not been possible otherwise. On behalf of the entire cadre, I wish him a happy, peaceful and healthy retired life.

        While speaking about the progress made in various areas, unfortunately there has been a negative wave created in the Board office with regard to one pending issue taken up by the Association.  On the basis of precedence prevailing in the Cadre Controlling zones of Chennai, Hyderabad and Chennai Customs this Association had sought for necessary permission from the Board for temporary downgrading of some vacant DOS posts to that of STA so as to ensure that the approximately 74 aspirants in the Cadre Controlling zones of Bhopal, Mumbai/ Pune and Jaipur stand benefited, and that uniformity prevails in the various field formations. Inorder to counter the Association’s request, the Board has come up with a novel idea of merging the supervisory cadre of DOS and STA, thereby trying to de-grade the supervisory cadre apart from maintaining the non-uniformity among field formations under CBEC.  The Association intends to keep all the members informed that the said move of the Board stands countered alongwith an indication of mass protest if any decision detrimental to the cadre is taken. 

Of late, it is being noted that there exists a very dangerous precedence of Board not advising the field formations/ not initiating any action on officers/Cadre Controlling authorities taking decisions which are contradictory to rules and since authorities are scotfree, the quantum of injustice is ever increasing which finally leads to unwanted litigations.  While our Hon’ble Finance Minister has all along been maintaining that DPCs should be held timely and staff grievances need to be looked into, we do have before us perfect examples of injustice being meted out on our members in various zones, which would surely stand highlighted in future, thereby bringing in transparency and more so the actions of the Board/ Cadre Controlling authorities shall be made known to one and all, thus bringing in the desired amount of change in the various field formations under Central Board of Excise and Customs.

Yours comradely,
Thomas Mony,
Secretary General.

1 comment:

  1. Having known the fact and reality that exist today that no one wants to go for DOS post on promotion which includes even PH candidates, if the Board wants to do something, let them abolish the post of DOS after those in that post become AO. On the seeing the situation, let Association also demand Abolition of DOS post, if granting 4600 gpay by Board seems remote. It so happened in the last Cadre Restructure that DOS L-I post was reduced in number. The reduction/abolition took place gradually till those in DOS L-I became AO and the vacant posts of L-I were left unfilled and it got abolished/reduced. Likewise, this time, this could be resorted to if the Board wants to do something.
    Dear office bearers, pl. be aware of the fact that this is a fall out of 6th PC recommendation (I mean merger of 5000 with 5500 basic post). If this step of merger is resorted to, it would certainly be detrimental to DOS cadre (excepting those who wants to be Inspector) but the date of effect cannot be from prospective date. This is altogether different from CReview exercise. The merger of these posts has to be from 1.1.2006 as per recom. of 6th pc as per which posts which existed in 6500 basic has been given 4600 gpay but this merger was left untouched as there is two lines of promotion in CBEC departments. Hence, merger of these two posts has to be w.e.from 1.1.06 which will lead to further confusion as they would be eligible for inspector post since that date.
    Hence, it is better to abolish the post of DOS after all DOS become AO gradually (as happened to L-I in last CR). It also got changed later after both L-I & L-II were merged w.e.f. 20.9.2005 which is a different issue.
    If the board says it is not possible to retain both posts in 4200 gpay, let them atleast abolish DOS.

    Merger if happens will also reduce/delay the chances of present STAs to be Inspectors, be it either from 1.1.06 or from prospective date.
