Monday, March 11, 2013

Latest updates

Dear Comrades,

Though this association is putting all its best possible efforts before the CBEC to conduct long pending DPC to the grade of Chief Accounts Officer it appears that there is a lack of co-ordination among various sections / departments and want of sincere and consistent efforts which are coming in the way of achieving the same.  The promotion to the grade of Administrative Officer, even on an Ad-hoc basis, is also held up for quite some time owing to similar display of indifference by the Authorities, concerned, towards the well being of Ministerial Officers.

We would like to mention here that the members of this association are losing their patience and every month number of officers are retiring without getting their legitimate promotion.  This Association right from 2009 is pursuing the issue of CAO DPC through written submissions and several oral requests during discussions with several Board Officers. 

Every time it took several months for the department to compile the deficiencies/data pointed out by the UPSC and after the deficiencies were rectified and sent a back to the UPSC, the UPSC immediately comes out with another list of names where by deficiencies in ACRs gradings or the integrity certificate / Certificate imposing penalty if any are pointed out.

This Association is bemused about the oblivion response of the department, as the department is not able to set right the deficiencies in one go.  So far the UPSC has returned the CAO DPC file back to the department more than 6 times during the past 3 years pointing the same reasons with fresh list of names, having deficiencies.

Certain questions needs to be answered by the department as to whether:-

1. Why the department has not raised the issue before the UPSC as whenever the CAO file goes to UPSC it comes with fresh list of names pointing deficiencies and why the UPSC has not pointed all the deficiencies at once?

2.  Why the department is not showing the same interest when they conduct DPC to the grade of Assistant Commissioner from Supdt./ Appraiser of CBEC?

3. Why the draft Seniority list to the grade of Administrative Officer published during last year is not being considered for DPC to the grade of CAO?

It seems the department is also mulling over the same fate for the DPC to the grade of Administrative Officer as in the case of Chief Administrative Officer. 

Coming June it will be 1 full year over as the department has directed to stop promotion to the grade of Administrative Officer citing some objections raised by the DoPT.  Due to this the promotion to the grade of AO is also not taking place throughout the country. 

Recently the DoP&T has cleared the Draft Recruitment Rules to the post of AO and has sent the file to UPSC for further necessary action.  The higher authorities of CBEC has assured this association that once the draft RR is approved by the DoP&T necessary instructions will be given to the field formations to continue the Ad-hoc promotions till the Regular RRs to the post of AO are notified.

The CBEC is neither giving promotion to the worst affected DOS/AO after putting 15 to 20 years of Service in their respective cadres nor upgrading their Payscales as demanded by this Association right throughout the last decade.   There is a gross slump on the activity of the department towards the Administrative Cadre.  It will not be out of place to mention that one fine day the department will realize that there will be no DOS / AO to scrutinize even the Pension papers of the Officers who are getting retired and the Officers/Staff of CBEC will be left in lurch.

It is high time that the department needs to realize and stop giving promises before the Association that the issues will be sorted out at the earliest whenever they raises before the higher Authorities. 

This Association is left with no other option and its members are losing their patience and will be forced to go on a series of agitation programme.  We are not threatening the department, but it is the apathy of the department which the Association needs to point out how it lacks to conduct the DPC for a single cadre right from the year 2007.

A latest letter addressed to the Chairperson and copy endorsed to Member (P&V) on the above issue is posted here. (Click to view)

Regarding Cadre-restructure there was a sustained effort from the authorities of CBDT to get their re-structuring file cleared by the Committee of Secretaries during the last week of February.  We also anticipate same efforts are being put down by our department too since our restructuring file is pending before the DoP&T quite a long time.

The Seniority case pending before the Supreme Court is being listed in the weekly list every week and it is not being listed in the daily list as these cases are yet to be heard by the Bench.  So far all these weeks some part heard cases, some media related cases are coming up for hearing and the status of our case remains same.  I take this opportunity to request our members to remain calm, vigilant and strive for the success of our case.  I cannot write more than this in the blog about our case.  Certain things cannot be spelt out.  I hope, the case will come up soon and definitely there will be good news for our cadre.

Comradely yours
Sudharsan J


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