Monday, March 18, 2013

Latest News

Dear Comrades,

Due to the consistent efforts put by this association the Recruitment Rules for the post of Chief Accounts Officer and Administrative Officer have been sent by the board to UPSC for its approval with requisite documents as per their checklist on 15.03.2013.  

Today (18.03.2010) the file pertaining to DPC to the grade of Chief Accounts Officer was submitted to UPSC again for its approval and to obtain an early date to conduct DPC upto 2009-2010.

The Recruitment Rules for the post of Inspector was again submitted back to DoP&T.  Though this association is having its own reservations on the proposed amendment of Recruitment Rules to the post of Inspector and several submissions were made by this association on the above issue, the department has forwarded the file again back to DoP&T owing to the pressure mounted by some section of people which is unwarranted and will bring huge disappointment among a larger section of its employees.

This association will keep impressing upon the board to ensure that the existing Ministerial Officers are not affected by the proposed amendment in the Inspector RR. 

Our President Shri. Ashim Pramanik has met Member (Service Tax) at Kolkotta today and apprised her our concern over the above issues.  Madam Majumdar has assured that these issues will be taken up with Member (P&V) for early redressal.  

Comradely Yours
Sudharsan J 

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