Friday, July 23, 2010


Pune, 22.07.2010

Dear friends in Service,

It's indeed a privilege for me to be heading a recognized service organization, the prime objective of which is to work for the upliftment and career prospect of its members and to meet their legitimate demands. Being my first communication, I wish to keep all the e-mail id holders, list of which I was having in my inbox, regarding the negative impact of the previous Cadre Restructuring that was witnessed in the various Group 'B', 'C' and 'D' cadres by one and all.

It is indeed a matter of great concern for the stagnating Group 'B', 'C' and 'D' cadres, who were seldom consulted during the previous Cadre Restructuring and even if consulted, they have tasted the carrot and stick policy of the Board with nothing much falling in their kitty. However, there has been a show of unity with the formation of the Joint Action Committee, consequent upon which there has been some visible change in the attitude and mindset of the concerned authorities.

Further, the minimal transparency shown during the previous Cadre Restructuring is rather missing with various Associations being asked to submit the legitimate aspirations of its members whereas there is no indication whatsoever of what is likely to be the shape of the present Cadre Restructuring. Moreover, it is given to understand that the various submissions put forth to DG, HRD by the respective Association Heads has not been accepted by the Board, thereby giving an indication that once again its a Group 'A' Cadre Restructuring.

With the introduction of GST in the near future, and the manner in which the Present Cadre Restructuring is taking shape, I wish to put forth a proposal to all the Association leaders, irrespective of their cadre/recognition etc., to come ahead and assemble in New Delhi to revive the Joint Action Committee in the interest of the members on a mutually convenient date and time. It would surely be a matter of great appreciation incase the recognised Associations take the lead, supported by the other counterparts, thereby initiating a movement that could facilitate transparency in the proposal being formulated and finalized by the Board. Also, from my end I wish to assure all the leaders concerned that I am willing to make my presence in Delhi for the said cause, unconditionally.

Hoping to see the proposal yield results in the form of revival of Joint Action Committee and anticipating that the legitimate aspirations of our members are met with, I remain.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Mony,
Secretary General.

1 comment:

  1. I fail to understand why we cannot form trade union as in the case of Income Tax. It was earlier stated that Trade union concept is not applicable for Central Excise as the Executive officers are required to be in Uniform. Now, the Central Information Commissioner had categorically stated that there are no written instructions for the uniform (Please see for details). Under these circumstances, I feel that we can form Trade union to fight our case better.
