Monday, June 21, 2010


Dear Comrades,

I take this opportunity to extend my greetings and also thank all the Office Bearers, Unit representatives and the Members, with whose relentless support the Association got duly recognized. As per DOPT’s instructions relating to Recognition of Service Associations, each Association has to submit its audited Accounts at the end of every Year, towards the receipts & expenditure incurred thereon, failing which the renewal of recognition may not be granted.
The subscription for the current Year i.e., March-2010 to February-2011, in respect of each Member [@ Rs.24/- per Year] as per the DDO certificates forwarded to the Association may kindly be recovered and forwarded to the undersigned by way of Demand Draft or remitted to the Association's bank account [A/c No. 60042856534 in Bank of Maharashtra, Central Excise & Customs Extension Counter, Sangamwadi Branch, Pune] by direct debit facility. A signed copy of the letter addressed to the respective Unit representatives is placed hereunder for information, records and further action.

Looking forward for your sustained co-operation in this regard.
Yours comradely,
Secretary General.

1 comment:

  1. Please see the write-up in Iax India online (DDT) on Uniform. As per the verdict of the Central Information Commission, the stipulation of the Department to insist on Uniform is not supported by any guidelines or instructions. The question is whether the Department can insist on physical standards for the ministerial officers who are aspiring to become Inspectors as the prescription of physical standards was as a result of the requirement to wear uniform?
