Friday, July 9, 2021

Delhi Unit of Association Meets Under Secretary

Dear colleagues,

Yesterday(on 08.07.2021), some of our delhi unit representatives met Under Secretary(AD IIIB) Sh Mohammad Asif Sir on behalf of AICESTMOA. Brief of the meetings are as under:

1. Board is working on the amendment in the RRs of EA in 2 files. One is for protection clause and will move separately and another is for Publication of RR for direct recruitment. LDCE is not mentioned anywhere till now.

They received representation/letter of LDCE  from AICESTMOA 2 days back only. On the request of Ass., Sir agreed to put up the representation and suggested 15-20% quota but he was in the view that UPSC/SSC should take the LDCE. We informed Sir that departmental exams are being conducted by  departments, so he also agreed to put up LDCE point.

2. No File is in movement for OTR.

3. Protection clause in r/o Insp RR:-

Sir was in view that TA was not in feeder cadre in Old RR of Insp. We informed Sir that point 12 a(c) of Old RR says that 10 years of regular service as a TA is mentioned in Old RRs. Sir was saying that STA was only in feeder cadre. But on the request of Association, sir agreed to look into the feeder cadre point and asked us to thoroughly read the Old RR and told us to meet him after study.

4. On the request of association, Sir agreed to hold the publish RR file till any consent is received from All India Body. 

5. US was also saying that due to non recruitment on EA post there is a pressure to fill vacant posts but there is no communication received from authorities how to fill these vacant posts. 

lets hope for the best...!

Kudos to Delhi Team...!


Chitrasain Garg
Secretary General

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