Monday, January 4, 2021

Updates from AIB

 We have written several letters to authorities of CBIC for conducting JCMs or for appointment, but they were of no use. Board on 30.12.2020 issued a letter to Jaipur Zone in which board has cleared its views on the letter dated 13.11.2020. 

Due to the same the DPCs which are being reviewed by the board were stopped. The members of the association are demoralized. a meeting was conveyed by the Undersigned with all the zonal leaders and it has been decided to raise the issues through social media from 06.01.2021. The letter was also written to hon'ble Chairman of CBIC for informing the same. All the PCCs/CCs were also informed for the same.

Read the letter here

Chitrasain Garg
Secretary General

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