Wednesday, September 27, 2017



    Best wishes for the festival of Navratri, Durga Puja and Dussehra. May Goddess Durga brings prosperity and happiness in your family.

    Draft All India Seniority List of Administrative Officer (AO) with effect from 01.01.2009 to 30.06.2014 has been prepared and published in DGHRD and CBEC website (Link) for perusal of stakeholders. It has been the result of our constant persuasion and cooperation amongst all the Zones. We would like to thank Shri Balesh Kumar, Pr. ADG, and other officers of DGHRD Ofice, involved in the process. We also thank Honourable Chief Commissioner of Jaipur Zone and CCA of Mumbai-I Zone for extending their support to this association.

    Representation, if any, is to be forwarded through respective CCA to Board within 15 days. This association requests all the stakeholders to contact their Zonal Secretary before proceeding to Board or for any litigation.

    We will put all our effort to get the DPC for Chief Accounts Officer (CAO), conducted at the earliest so that the officers, on the verge of retirement, get benefit of last promotion.

    We have received letter from Coordination Section of Dept. of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, to attend Anomaly committee meeting scheduled to be held on 10.10.2017 at Kalpavriksha, North Block, New Delhi to settle the pay anomalies arisen out of 7th Pay Commission.

    Meanwhile, we have written a letter to Chairman, CBEC with a request to instruct all CCAs not to pressurize our over-burdened officer with extra work load.

    Long Live AICESTMOA. Jai Hind.

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