Sunday, February 21, 2016



Dear Comrades,

        As you are aware that we are passing through a very difficult time as board is not giving due attention to our legitimate demands nor our welfare is being taken care of.  Promotions are at halt in many zones in absence of proper clarifications, the desired initiative of the Board and the urgency on the part of CBEC appears to be wanting to amend the destructive EA RRs, grant uniform pay structure on par with CBDT, undue delay in CAO promotion and many other issues.  At this juncture, we are approaching Revenue Secretary and have submitted our 3rd representation (CLICK HERE TO SEE) and other higher establishments to reach our demands.  We may have to go for agitations to press for our demands and I request you to be prepare for that.  Be in touch with the blog and share your valuable suggestions.  

       Thanking you.

(Sankar Kumar Saha)
Secretary General

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