Thursday, July 30, 2015


Dear Comrades,

We met Hon’ble Member (P&V) on 21.07.2015 and Hon’ble Chairman on 23rd July, 2015.  All the meetings were held in a cordial atmosphere.  The Association expressed their opinion very strongly and ventilated the grievances of our members. 

Meeting with Hon’ble Member (P&V), CBEC ON 21ST JULY, 2015:

The representatives Mr. G. Samdani Khan ( Secretary General), Shri Shankar Kumar Saha (ASG), Shri Ram Lalit  (ASG) & myself of this Association met Member (P&V) 21st of July, 2015.  The meeting lasted for more than one hour as informed earlier four issues were taken up in the first place 1.Promotion to CAO 2.One Time Relaxation in RRs 3.Suitable clarification on Board’s letter dated 15.04.15 regarding re-designation of EA   4. Amendment in RR of TA.    The issues have been discussed threadbare.  The problems being experienced by the Board was shared.  The Association also on their part suggested the way out and the remedial measures. 

  1. DPC for Promotion to CAO for the vacancy years 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16:
As far as the promotion to CAO is concerned the basic problem lies with the disparity in the Seniority List of A.O.s as the 37 names which were there in the previous Seniority List of Administrative Officers did not figure in the latest Seniority List published by the DGHRD that disparity has to be sorted out first for that, action has been taken on a war footing and it is expected that the revised and the corrected Seniority List would be finalized by DGHRD very shortly following which the proposal for promotion to CAO will take final shape.  The Member (P&V) has assured to take action expeditiously and the Association has also committed to co-operate and rather help the Board to the extent possible.

  1. One time Relaxation in RRs of Inspector, Stenographer, STA & TA:
As per as Relaxation to Recruitment Rules to facilitates promotions particularly to the post of Inspector is concerned the Member (P&V) wanted some more data to firm up the proposal so that it receives acceptance at the higher level.  Board wanted some more data like vacancies lying in the pre-restructured posts as well as in the post-restructured posts, the people who can be promoted by way of such relaxation.  The position as far as stagnations are concerned such data have to be collected from the zones for which letters have already been issued.  May I request the zonal leaders to follow the matter in their respective zones and ensure that the replies are sent as early as possible.

  1. To modify the Board’s letter dated 15.04.15 regarding re-designation of STA & DOS as Executive Assistant:
On the question of issuing a clarification for promotions to the pre-restructured posts on the basis of the existing Recruitment Rules.  The Member was apprised that the difficulties being experienced by some zones.  We also impressed upon her the need for a suitable clarification from the Board so that the promotion at the zonal level continues to take place on the basis of the existing Recruitment Rules.  The problems basically lies with the Board’s letter dated 15.04.2015 in which the post of Executive Assistant was stated to have been created w.e.f. the date of issue of the Cadre Restructuring order i.e. 18.12.2013.  We believe the post of Executive Assistant should be construed to have been created from the date of notification of Recruitment Rule which is yet to take place.  Hence, promotion can continue with the present Recruitment Rule.  The Member (P&V) has assured to look into the matter and necessary clarification to that effect.

  1. Amendment in RR of Tax Assistant, notified on 10.01.2014:
We were also informed that the Recruitment Rule of Tax Assistant is also being amended to include the service of Havaldar in the feeder posts.  This will also facilitate promotion to the post of Tax Assistant.  The file is informed to be pending with Ministry of Law and it was also informed that the Board will pursue to get it done as early as possible.
Special Drive for Direct Recruitment for the post of Tax Assistant:

The Association also took up the issue of Special Drive for direct recruitment of Tax Assistants (CLICK HERE FOR OUR SUBMISSION).  We highlighted that there are lots of vacancies in various zones particularly in the post of TA and it has become almost impossible to run the show with such a huge amount of vacancies at the field formations and at the very ground level.  It has resulted in unbearable pressure on the administration.  We have also written to take initiative for a Special Drive for recruitment in the post of Tax Assistant and which Member has also assured.

Counting of total service of DOS & STA for the purpose of promotion to Administrative Officer:

We also drew the notice of Member (P&V) to the fact that sizeable no. of vacancies lie in the post of Administrative Officer, which cannot be filled up for want of eligible DOS.  We requested that as per the guidelines of DoPT the officers who have worked more than 5 years in the Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- in PB-2 i.e. in the posts of STA and DOS taken together be considered for the post of Administrative Officer (CLICK HERE FOR OUR SUBMISSION).  In that event promotions can take place in various zones.  It is also learnt that some zones have already implemented this principle while granting promotions to Administrative Officer.  Member (P&V) assured to examine this issue. The meeting ended in positive note.  The Member said that she would try to do whatever doable and assured a regular interaction with the Association.

Meeting with Hon’ble Chairman, CBEC ON 23RD JULY, 2015:

              As you are also aware that our Association is a part of Joint Action Committee.  Our leader is one of the joint convenor of the JAC.  The JAC had a meeting with Hon’ble Chairman at around 12’O Clock on 23rd July, 2015.  The 11 points agenda (already informed by our earlier message dated.29.06.15.) was the subject of discussions.  The meeting was attended by the Member (P&V) & Member (Central Excise) holding the charge of DGHRD.  Senior Board officials were also present in the meeting.  The representatives of all the constituent Associations attended the meeting.

   Each point was discussed separately.  The Chairman & the Members gave a patient hearing to our submissions.  The issues involve the common interest of the entire cadre.  The Chairman was very kind to inform us about the state of affair on GST and the larger role that the departmental officers have to play in the Post-GST scenario.  It was also assured that our concern on proper implementation of the recommendation of 7th CPC as well as detection of anomalies would be addressed after 7th CPC submits its report.  The precarious state of Ministerial Cadre in terms of Pay scale, hierarchy and the delayed promotions, have been highlighted in the meeting.  It was also assured that Minutes on each of the points will be issued which will form the basis for future action and negotiation.

Meeting with Secretary (Revenue) on 29.07.2015 at 3.30 P.M.:

The Joint Action Committee met Secretary (Revenue) on 29th July, 2015.  The issues raised by the JAC has once again been discussed with Secretary (Revenue).  The disparity between CBDT and CBEC has been highlighted.  Shri Ram Lalit represented our Association in the meeting.  The leaders from Superintendent Association, Customs Group-C non ministerial Association and Customs Ministerial Association also attended the meeting.

Yours Comradely,

(Ashim Pramanick)

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