Sunday, June 14, 2015

Visit to Delhi from 08.06.15 to 11.06.15

Meetings with Board Officials:
Secretary General, Mr. G Samdani Khan along with Assistant Secretary General, Shri Shankar Kumar Saha and Shri Suman Sarkar from Kolkata, Assistant Secretary General, Shri Ram Lalit from Chandigarh and Organizing Secretary, Shri Vikas Kumar Gupta from Ahmedabad had been in Delhi from 08 Jun to 11 Jun 2015, to pursue various issues.  Appointments were sought from Hon’ble Chairman, Hon’ble Member (P&V) & JS (Adm.) of CBEC on the following agenda points and other miscellaneous issues: 
Gist of the discussions is given as below:
  1.   DPC for promotion to the grade to Chief Accounts Officer (CAO) from Administrative Officer (AO) for the vacancy years 2013-14, & 2014-15:
Since there has been a dispute arisen in the Seniority List of AOs, where 37 names have been reported to be omitted in the present updated Seniority List. The office of DGHRD was rigorously pursued to take necessary action to correct the situation (Click here to see our submission).  Accordingly a letter was issued on the very same day vide letter under F.No.8/B/78/HRD (HRM)/2015/ 2807 dated 09.06.2015 (Click here to see the Board letter dated 09.06.15). This Association requested to conduct the DPC at the very earliest by exploring all options. A submission has been put forward by this association to the concerned Authority for due consideration. It has been assured that the matter will be looked into on priority basis.

   2.  One time relaxation in Recruitment Rules  of Inspector, Stenographer, STA & TA due to Cadre Restructuring:
Issue of grant of one time relaxation, in the existing RR for promotion to the grade of Inspector, STA and TA, has been taken up with the Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary of AD-IIIA/B. They have been apprised of the situation, which will badly affect the working environment, due to shortfall of manpower in every cadre, if the relaxation is not granted (Click here to see our submission). They were apparently impressed and positive action is expected.

  3.  Re-designation of the posts of STA & DOS as Executive Assistant:

The confusion created among the field formations due to issue of Board’s Letter dated 15.04.2015 was once again brought to the notice of the Board and request was made to issue a clarification to the Commissionerates. A submission has also been made on this issue (Click here to see the submission).

   4.    Amendment/Rectification in RR of Tax Assistant, notified under GSR.12 (E) dated 10.01.2014 (Ad.IIB):

The combined service of LDC and Head Havalder for counting the qualifying service for promotion to Tax Assistant, notified in the recently published Recruitment Rule of Tax Assistant, has been not in order as pointed out many a times in the past, has been explained to the concerned officers. It has been requested to amend the RR be issued in near future, where the word ‘Head Havalder’ will be replaced by the word ‘Havalder’ (Click here to see our submission).

We also pursued to our earlier demands to incorporate a "Retention Clause" in the new Recruitment Rules of Inspector and Executive Assistant.

It is also requested to incorporate a clause in the upcoming Recruitment Rules, which will ascertain that while counting the qualifying service for promotion to next higher grade, the total service rendered in the same ‘Grade Pay’ will be considered, e.g. for AO promotion, the service rendered in the grade of STA and DOS will be counted as qualifying service.

Meeting with Hon’ble Member (P&V) on 11.06.15:

Members of the Association had a meeting with Hon'ble Member (P&V), CBEC, Ms. Vanaja N Sarna on 11.06.2015 in presence of the Deputy/Under Secretaries of AD-IIA/B, AD-IIIA/B and  AD-IV.  Madam wanted to know if this was the only Association for the Ministerial Cadre. It was clarified to her that it was the only Association of Central Excise and Service Tax Ministerial Officers (Click here to see the intimation letter of new Executive Committee).  She said that she had gone through all the issues, which were projected as Agenda Points for the meeting and accordingly instructed the concerned officers to put the files before her. The members were informed that a reply will definitely be given shortly about the status of the ongoing issues. Meetings ended with cordiality.

Other than the Agenda issues we also submitted a separate representation for a special drive for recruitment of Tax Assistants (Click here to see our submission).

Yours Comradely,
(G. Samdani Khan)
Secretary General

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