Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Dear Comrades,
                        As you are all aware that Board has invited proposals from different zones in terms of relaxation in the existing Recruitment Rules to facilitate promotions.  However the responses from the zones have been very slow.  Only handful responses of zones have given the details of vacancy position of their zones.  Board needs to assess the vacancy position and the need for relaxation at the all India level.  Therefore I request my friends from different zones (particularly from the large zones) to pursue with the local administrations and send the zonal proposals.

            You are also aware that this Association has submitted its suggestions towards grant of onetime relaxation in the existing Recruitment Rules.  In fact G. Samdani Khan, the General Secretary of Hyderabad Unit had taken up these issues along with our submission in person with Hon’ble Member (P&V) at Delhi.  Madam also wanted the replies to come from all the zones.  I am also in receipt of further suggestions on relaxation of certain clause of the Recruitment Rules of Tax Assistant and Inspector from different zones.  Most of the proposals have been incorporated in our submission.  For others, we will have further consultation.

            As per as the next DPC for promotion to CAO is concerned, again, the delay is attributable to the delays on the part of the zones for sending the desired ACR/APAR, dossiers etc. to the Board.  Member (P&V) herself has written D.O. letter to all the Chief Commissioners.  It is unfortunate that our members are not concerned enough to pursue with the local administration.  DPC has to happen only with the full details to be provided by the zones.  We also expect that the draft Seniority List for the Administrative Officers from 01.01.2009 onwards will be published shortly.  Members are requested to take note of the same and submit their representations if any in quick time so that the same can be finalized by the Board.

Yours Comradely,

(Ashim Pramanik)

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