Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dear friends,

As you are aware that your association always remains alert and alive to the development those concern us and our future.  We were given to understand that Shri Rajiv Takru, IAS, Secretary (Revenue), on assumption of charges of Department of Revenue, during April, 2014 has been showing keen interest in the problems and demands of different Cadre Associations in CBEC.  Accordingly, we sought an appointment with Secretary (Revenue) and got it on 5th May, 2014.

The undersigned along with Comrades of Delhi and Kolkata attended the meeting at the scheduled date and time.  While it was conveyed that we were not particularly keen only to halt this present Cadre Restructuring but we had some genuine grievances which had not been addressed during the present Cadre Restructuring.  We submitted a resentation which will speak for itself ( click here for the submission).

Secretary (Revenue), was very kind to give a patient hearing to our problems and wanted to know the full details and background of our issues.  The meeting lasted for more than half an hour.  He assured to look into our demands by obtaining feedback from the Board.

Before, the meeting with Secretary (Revenue), we also met the Chairperson, CBEC in her chamber where Member (P&V) and DGHRD were present.  We explained our position and apprised the issues to be taken up with Secretary (Revenue).

Member (P&V) also took a separate meeting on 6th May, 2014 where we further explained the problems of DOS, getting merged with STA in the Cadre Restructuring.  We also pointed out the fact that the Board needs to come out with a specific stand when it comes to implementation of Chandigarh judgement on the question of applicability of upper age limit on promotion to Inspector. 

We made it amply clear that our basic demand of re-organization of administrative wing on the lines of CBDT, is not to be compromised and we will continue to agitate in different forum till it is achieved.

We also pursued issue relating to promotion to Chief Accounts Officer (CAO).  As of now, pendency of some information is there for about 50 officers among the list of 345 officers.  Member (P&V) has assured that she would personally pursue with the concerned Chief Commissioners to set right the discrepancies.  The objective is to send the complete proposal to UPSC by 1st week of June, 2014.

Thanking you,
Comradely yours,
                                                                    (Ashim Pramanick)

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