Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Meeting with Member (P&V) on 15.05.2013 updates

OUR VISIT TO DELHI DURING 14, 15 & 16 MAY, 2013 –

           The highlight of the recent visit of the office bearers of this Association has been our meeting with Hon’ble Member (P&V) on 15/5/2013 at 11 a.m.  The following points were taken up for discussion in accordance with a pre determined agenda:-

(1) Promotions to CAO:-  In the face of vigorous persuasion of this Association, it was assured that one DPC for the years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 is most likely to be held in May itself.  The O.S.D. to Member (P&V) and other Board officials are in constant touch with the UPSC to finalize the dates and other aspects of the DPC.  On our request the Member (P&V) has directed the concerned officials in the meeting itself to initiate action for the DPC of the subsequent years.

(2) Recruitment Rule of A.O.:– It has been informed that Recruitment Rule of A.O. has been in the very final stage and presently lying for translation to Hindi, following which it will go for notification in the official Gazette.  So the regular promotions to A.O. will commence very soon.

(3) Pay Scales for A.O. & D.O.S.: – It was pointed out by the leadership that Department of Expenditure is making certain submissions in the court of law through which they have acceded to the recommendation concerning parity between Headquarters organization and field formations like us. Board may take up the issue afresh with Department of Expenditure on the basis of their submissions before judicial fora.  Member (P&V) has been very kind to accept our request and directed the concerned officer to do the needful to send the file to Department of Expenditure.

(4)  Recruitment Rule of Inspector and age relaxation: - The Association vehemently argued for incorporation of a suitable clause in the new RR to protect the qualifying service i.e. – 2 years of present STAs & 10 years of TAs and Stenographers as well in terms of the DoPT’s guidelines.  It was also requested to remove age bar together and extent their facilities even before notification of new RR.  The Hon’ble Member (P&V) has been very kind to appreciate the Board for incorporation of a suitable provision for retention of the present qualifying service in the new RR and issued necessary direction to the concerned officers.  On age relaxation also, the response was positive.  We have submitted a separate representation seeking age relaxation even before notification of new RR.
(5)  Cadre Restructuring:-  The leadership pointed out that nothing has been conveyed to this Association on Cadre Restructuring proposals which has been altered many a times in the recent past.  The Member (P&V) advised to contact ADG (HRM) on this front.  Subsequently, this Association was able to gather some information which indicates that substantial increase of strength in the grade of CAO and AO and to some extent in the grade of TA is expected. Moreover the strength of Superintendent and Inspector will also be up substantially which will benefit the Ministerial Cadre.  The Cadre-restructuring file is still pending with Department of Expenditure and once it is cleared it will be sent to DoP&T.

(6) Compassion Appointment:-  This Association also, for the larger interest, raised the issue of Compassion Appointment and the slow progress thereon because of non-availability of vacancy.  It was requested that all the vacancies falling in all the Group-‘C’ & ‘D’ posts as per the definition of the extent Recruitment Rule of various posts in CBEC, be considered for Compassion Appointment as per DoPT’s guidelines.  A separate submission was also made on this front.

The leadership of this Association also pursued with UPSC officials for an early date of the CAO DPC.  We have also met with the concerned officers in the DoPT to express our views on Recruitment Rule of Inspector which they all agreed.  Besides we move around all the concerned administrative sections and met the officials to pursue our issues, detailed above.  Over all it was a pretty successful tour which has engendered some kind of optimism.  

Comradely Yours
                    Sudharsan J                                           Ashim Pramanik
                Secretary General                                           President

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