Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Date:- 18.01.2011

Dear Members,

You are all aware that a meeting of all the associations had been convened by the Board under the chairmanship of the Honourable Chairman of CBEC, at 16.00 hrs on the 18th January, 2011 in order to discuss the demands of all the Associations on cadre restructuring.  The meeting took place as scheduled and our Association was represented by our President and the Secretary General, who are still at New Delhi.

The Association is in receipt of calls from various quarters seeking an update on the meeting. Considering the requests, an initial update is being provided here. Detailed information will appear on the blog in due course.


The Chairman welcomed the leaders of all the Association and assured full co-operation in considering their demands. He then requested the ADG, HRD to make a power point presentation regarding the Cadre Review proposals and how the demands have been addressed. Accordingly a power point presentation was made by the ADG, HRD to the members present in the meeting.

The Chairman then asked the respective Associations to give their opinion/comments on the proposals. All the Associations had replied that major concerns have not been addressed as yet. Finally the Chairman asked the Associations to give detailed proposals with full justification by 27th of January, 2011 which will be considered before 3rd of February, 2011, and thereafter the  Cadre Review proposal will be finalised. The Association will do the needful in this regard.

Further developments on the matter will be intimated in due course.


1 comment:

  1. Demands may be made as follows:-
    1) One time relaxation in qualifying service for filling up all posts on promotion.
    2) There should not be any match savings by reduction in ministerial staff. The strength should increase according to increase in strength of the department. When department is growing, it is impractical to meet the admn. needs with reduction in ministerial staff.
    3) DOS post (being promo post for STA) should be granted 4600 grade pay by totally upgrading it to AO Gr.III as proposed earlier. The mistake can now be corrected as Cadre Restructure is the most opportune time for rectification. Who will opt for it when it has the same grade pay? Because in many Zones, DOS posts had remained vacant (in chennai zone, around 60 posts of DOS have been downgraded temporarily as STA to accommodate TAs to STAs. When feeder and promo cadre posts carry same gpay, it has no takers. This aspect has to be projected to ensure that 4600 gpay should be got by redesignation/upgradation of all DOS posts.
