Thursday, December 23, 2010



Pune, the 23rd December, 2010

Dear Comrades,

Recently, the undersigned as well as the President had visited New Delhi in connection with the progress relating to Cadre Restructuring as well as related issues. On the 15th of Dec’10 the President had visited HRD office to get a sense of the developments on the combined submission made through the Joint Action Committee. It is to inform that the Hon’ble Chairman, CBEC, New Delhi had taken stock of the issues on 15.12.10 itself from the HRD, details of which could not be ascertained.

2. However, because of the combined efforts put in by the Joint Action Committee, the Hon’ble Chairman had decided to have a joint meeting with All the Associations. Apart from the Joint Action Committee representatives other Associations were also present for the said meeting held in the afternoon of 16th December, 2010. The All India Ministerial Officers Association was represented by the undersigned alongwith the President, whereas some zonal members from the Ministerial Cadre also participated for the said meeting. The Hon’ble Chairman wanted to know the major issues involved and the ones of concern, specifically pertaining to each and every cadre. While the respective Associations put forth their grievances, our demands which have already been submitted to the Board were reiterated, details of which are attached hereunder.

3. During the course of discussion, the Hon’ble Chairman stated that one time relaxation for filling up of all vacancies by way of promotion in all grades would surely be extended in the ensuing Cadre Restructuring whereas on other related issues an assurance was given that a fresh round of meeting would surely follow, once a study is conducted by the HRD on the issues concerned.

4. The Hon’ble Chairman also agreed for issuance of minutes of the meeting which is expected shortly. On receipt of the same, the blog would be updated accordingly. In the meantime, the draft minutes of the meeting of the Associations with the Hon’ble Chairman, CBEC held in his Chamber on 16.12.2010, prepared by the Association is placed hereunder for information.


Subject: - Issues pertaining to Ministerial Cadre.

The following issues were taken up and brought to the notice of the Hon’ble Chairman.

a. The cadre restructuring proposal, framed by HRD, focused on the growth of the Executive wing of the Department vis-à-vis potential revenue profile. The need for strengthening of the Administrative wing to cater to the minimum Administrative requirements of the department had been totally overlooked. The 6th CPC has specifically highlighted this aspect and recommended that Ministerial Cadre in the CBEC and other Central Government subordinate offices, be brought on par with their counterparts in Central Secretariat Offices, being equi-placed in terms of importance and gravity of the functions, discharged by them vide Para 3.1.3, 3.1.4 & 3.1.14 of 6th CPC.

In this context, it was requested to consider and grant the hierarchical structure, as suggested by this Association vide Para 14 of the proposal submitted by it through the Joint Action Committee on 24.11.2010.

b. The Staffing Norms for allocation of Ministerial Strength is completely insulated from the ground necessity in the field formations. The Board has never suggested for such a reduction in real terms for the Ministerial Cadre. The following Statistics will justify the fact.

c. From the above it is evident that Ministerial strength is on the decline in real terms (as pointed out vide Para 3, 6,7 & 8) of Association’s proposal dated 24.11.10) compared to quantum Jump in other grades, thereby resulting in work getting hampered in the Administrative set-up in the various offices across the country. It was further proposed that the least expectation from the Board is to adopt the staffing norms suggested by the Study Group-2 as regards Ministerial Cadre is concerned.

d. The staffing norms of Customs Commissionerate as mooted by HRD, has not taken care of the need for Customs Preventive Commissionerates, which is much larger in terms of work load, geographical jurisdiction and span of functional areas. Full fledged Sanctioned Strength in Ministerial Grades is required, as pointed out in Point No. 12 of the Association’s Proposals, dated 24.11.2010

e. All the existing vacant posts and those arising out of cadre restructuring be filled up by promotion only, by relaxing the provisions of the relevant Recruitment Rules wherever necessary.

f. The Hon’ble Chairman took note of the above issues and assured to look into the matter and give a further audience before finalization of the Cadre Restructuring Proposal.

g. Finally, on behalf of Kolkatta Central Excise & Customs zone, a piece of information, compiled in a tabular form was handed over to the Hon’ble Chairman, CBEC, New Delhi with a request to ensure that no curtailment of posts takes place during the ensuing Cadre Restructuring and that the requirements of certain zones may vary as per geographical conditions and related parameters. This study of our Kolkatta counterparts would be helpful in arriving at the number of Commissionerates required, be that of Central Excise, Service Tax, Customs Preventive Commissionerate or an Audit Commissionerate. Learned counterparts from other Cadres serving in other zones/parts of the country are requested to study the intricacies involved, and accordingly come ahead with proposals in consonance with the one submitted, so as to facilitate the All India Association with substantial inputs to put forth the requirements of all regions in a very transparent and balanced manner.

h. Wishing all viewers and their families, compliments of the festive Season and hoping that the New Year 2011 brings in good health, happiness, success and prosperity to the members in the various Cadres i.e. Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ under Central Board of Excise and Customs.

Comradely Yours,
Thomas Mony
Secretary General

Copy of proposals submitted by Kolkatta zone

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