Wednesday, December 1, 2010



The Meeting was chaired by Shri. K. Jose Cyriac, Additional Secretary (Revenue) and members of the Official side and Staff side of the Anomaly committee attended. The staff side was lead by Shri. K.K.N. Kutty, Leader of the staff side and the representatives of the other recognized associations, whom were invited to attend the meeting also participated.

The chairman welcomed all the members to the meeting. While thanking the chairman for convening the meeting, the Leader of the Staff side requested the chairman to convene the Departmental council which had not met for quite some time. The chairman stated that he would look into it and assured that the council would be revived immediately and convened at the earliest. Then he stated that he would take up all the items on the Agenda and first state his understanding of an issue after which the staff side could add, explain or correct the position if what was stated is incorrect. He also stated that common points or the items which are inter-related could be clubbed and taken up together. The points that were taken up for discussion and the decision thereon, in brief are placed for information of the members.

The remaining points would be taken up on the next meeting, the date for which would be communicated in due course. It was also informed that the associations whose agenda items/points are pending alone would be invited for the next meeting and that the minutes of the meeting will be circulated to one and all. The meeting concluded with thanks to the Chairman.

* * * *

For the information of the members, the details of the discussion including arguments put forth by the Associations and the response of the Official side relating to the Ministerial Officers’ Association is as under:-

Point No. 15 & 16:-

When these points were taken up for discussion, the Chairman while explaining his assessment/understanding of the issue, stated that this issue was initially clubbed alongwith the upgradation of Grade pay of the Inspectors and sent to the Department of Expenditure, which was returned/ unaccepted. Subsequently, after a meeting between the Revenue Secretary and the Expenditure Secretary owing the strike call given by the Inspectors of CBEC, the issue of upgradation of Grade Pay of the Inspectors of CBEC and CBDT were separated and the proposal was again sent to the Department of Expenditure which came to be approved and necessary orders were issued on 13.11.2009. However, this issue (AO & DOS Grade Pay) could not be taken up in a similar manner for the reason that the nomenclature of posts on the Ministerial side of CBEC and CBDT varies and a common proposal was not possible unlike in the case of Inspectors. However the matter of AO & DOS of CBEC was again resubmitted to the Department of Expenditure, which was not accepted on the ground that these are common category of posts. The said decision has already been communicated to the field formations vide letter dated 09.09.2010. He also stated that the essence of pay commission itself is to delayer the number of cadres/grades in the Government and suggest a replacement scale. While doing so merger of certain cadres are recommended and this is one such case. In view of this position, he said that this issue cannot be considered as an anomaly. He then asked the Association representatives to state their viewpoints.

The staff side had explained the position from the historical perspective and the parity which existed between the Executive and the Ministerial cadre. It was pointed out that the pay commission itself has specifically recorded and given a categorical finding that the payscale of inspector being higher than that of DOS is an anomaly, in view of the fact that the feeder grade for both the posts are same and the supervised officer draws more pay than that of the supervisory officer on his promotion. The fact that there is no monetary benefit on promotion from STA to DOS while there is a change in pay on promotion to the grade of Inspector in a way has degraded the cadre of DOS was also brought to the notice of the Chairman.

Further, the Chairman was informed that the pay commission had recommended parity with the Ministerial Officers of Headquarters organization (CSS) and such parity would be absolute upto the grade of Assistant who has now been granted Grade Pay of Rs.4600. Hence on that basis the DOS is on par with that of Assistants and therefore it was demanded that the DOS be granted GP of Rs.4600. It was explained that this post is not a common category of posts and that the recommendation to the Ministerial cadre of CBEC and CBDT were specific and therefore the grade pay of DOS and AO should be upgraded to resolve this anomaly.

At this juncture the Chairman stated that he would support us emotionally on this issue and try to find a solution outside the anomaly committee, he still persisted with the argument that it is not an anomaly. This was not accepted by the Associations and further arguments continued.

The Leader of the Staff side intervened and said that if the definition of the ‘Anomaly’ as accepted in the National council is taken into account, then this issue would fall within the category of anomaly. At this point, the chairman agreed to reconsider the issue once again and asked to submit additional points, if any in support of our arguments and then moved on to take the agenda points of other Associations. Accordingly the issue is still pending and the Association has got one more opportunity to take up this matter with the Anomaly Committee.

Further, it has been decided that as desired by the Chairman, additional points would be submitted to the Anomaly Committee before the next meeting through the leader of the staff side, in consultation with the Customs Ministerial Officers’ Association. Apart from this it is also proposed to submit a fresh request/representation to the Board/ Ministry against the letter dated 09.09.2010, communicating the reply/non-acceptance of our demand by the Department of Expenditure on the matter.


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