Friday, November 12, 2010


Date:- 12.11.2010
Dear members in Service,

Being concerned about the career prospects of numerous members of respective Associations, responsible leaders came together to form a Joint Action Committee, because of the bitter experience had during the previous Cadre Restructuring and with a view to bring in transparency in the ongoing Cadre Restructuring, sought for details of the present proposal which finally has been given to all the Associations on the 11th of November, 2010.

2. While the basic intention of forming the Joint Action Committee was to get a feel of the entire proposal, now that the details of proposal has reached the responsible leaders, the onus is now upon the elected/nominated leaders of respective Associations to ensure that the pros and cons of the entire proposal is looked into and discussions held in closed door meetings and finally frame suggestions/proposals related to respective cadres which would be beneficial to the entire Department at large.

3. Gist of the present proposal would surely be made available on this blog within some time. However, it is sincerely hoped that all members work unitedly in the overall interest of respective cadres without causing any harm to the career prospects of the feeder cadres, and more so, as a responsible leader representing the Joint Action Committee, I am of the firm opinion that issues identified to be seriously affecting members of respective Associations may be highlighted, and a consolidated proposal be tabled to the CBEC by the Joint Action Committee, (on behalf of all Associations) during the week commencing on 22nd November, 2010 thereby maintaining absolute transparency and by resorting to this methodology, the concerns & legitimate aspirations of all cadres are taken due care of, with minimal loss of time.

4. Needless to mention, it would surely be our endeavour to ensure that the bitter experiences of the previous Cadre Restructuring, is not repeated, and the sincere services of those officers who have dedicated ample years to the Department does not go unrecognized.

5. Expecting similar co-operation and support from one and all for years to come and anticipating that the present format of Cadre Restructuring Proposal is actively reconsidered by our Board after giving due consideration to the legitimate aspirations of the various Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ which has been totally ignored in certain areas and assuring that the reconsidered proposal is actively pursued by all the Cadres for getting nod of respective Departments, I remain,

Yours faithfully,

The Cadre Review proposal is available on the following link.


  1. dear all;

    cadre review proposal in this form cannot be acceptable for subordinate cadres. the proposal to merge sta and dos is heights of stupidity. they should have delayered DOS/AO and redesignated as AAO, AO & Sr AO in 4600,4800,5400 grade pay. TA post should have been placed at 2800. no mention.

    executive cadre is let down.

    united we win, divided we fall


  2. As usual the Board has not been liberal with regard to DOS and AO posts.

    While Stenographers have been granted upto 6600 gradepay, In the line of AO such scales are limited to 5400 gpay (CAO).

    Also, when there are no takers (in many zones) for DOS post, it is still retained in 4200 gpay (STA also has this gpay). When DOS post is retained in the Department, they should have given 4600 gpay. When 4600 is not given, then, it should have been totally abolished and upgraded to AO (all those existing in that post) and STA strength should be increased. STA should have 2 lines of promotion from it to AO and Inspector.
    AO ofcourse already there is demand for 4800 gpay for AO (after 4 years 5400 gpay).

    On the lines of Stenos, post above CAO with gpay 6600 should be created.

    There are my suggestions/wishes.


  3. The posts that are related to Vigilance, Confidential., etc., which are presently headed by Supdts. should be again brought back to be headed by AOs. to increase the number of posts of AOs.

  4. SUGGESTION No.1 Restructuring is the special opportunity to create avenues for promotion of the cadres concerned. But in this case, It is expected that (especially in Central Excise), 80% of the DOS are expected to remain in the same post even after this exercise.
    It is a fact well know that in many of the zones there are no takers for the post of DOS because of the following reasons:-
    1) Many ministerial people do not wish to go in Admn line.
    2) Grade Pay also remains same (4200 for both STA and DOS).
    Now Board itself has taken exercise (proposal) to abolish 750 posts in 4200 grade pay (must of of DOS only as STA post is going to be increased). Restructuring is an unique opportunity to set the things right. Even after this, if DOS is retained in its existing shape (4200 grade pay), there will be ultimately no takers for that post. It will also result in uselessly keeping many posts vacant. If those posts belong to STA atleast many TAs will get promoted, who (STA) will be able to be Inspector on their next promotion. Department will also get the required hands as there will no posts lying vacant (unfilled).
    Hence, when Board has decided to abolish, it is better to abolish DOS post altogether (Till the last DOS gets elevated to AO). It may take 7-8 years for that to fully exhaust (to absorb them in AOs post as the present increase in AO post is not sufficient). But at the same time, increase no. of posts (All posts of DOS including 750 posts) in the grade of STA. Hereinafter, STA should be made feeder cadre for both Inspector and AO.
    Having decided by the Board to keep DOS (by partially cutting about 750 posts), it is of no use in retaining that in 4200 grade pay. In that case, it should be made that DOS is given 4600 grade pay atleast by redesignating them with a unique designation like AAO or so. With this exercise, retention of the post is also justified (as STA who opts for this line gets different grade pay).

    SUGGESTION No.2 It is seen that the posts relating to Admn work like Confidential and Vigilance sections, CAT Cell are handled by Supdts. It should be allocated to AOs because of this exercise in each Commissionerate, minimum of 3 posts of AOs can be got. This will result in many DOS to get elevated to AO post.

    SUGGESTION No.3 Admn. Officers should have been given 4800 grade pay with 4 years 5400 grade pay. A unique post should be created above CAO level with grade pay 6600 grade pay.

    Yours sincerely,

  5. Dear Thomas sir,
    first of all let me congratulate you for you relentless job towards your comrade. this is the first time our voice is reachig to the authority through proper platform. please take the case of Ex- service men who have served 20 years all overindia and posted to some where which is 2500 kms away from his native place. in this age it is very difficult for an ex service men to continue his duties with so family burden and settle his, for such exservicemen at least ICT should be open.
    Further GP of Tax Asst should be 2800 which is the auditors grade pay in CAG. as both are facing same examination with same qualification and job.
    thanking you
    yours faithfully
    anil Bera. 16.11.2010

    Jay Hind

  6. after going through the cadre restructuring proposal we found that 10 service for the promotion of TA to the grade of inspector is not justice for the ministrial staff because post of TA is created and commenced from march 2003.As per my comment it should be either 5 years as TA or 10 years of service in ministrial cadre and there should be no qualifying service for promotion from STA to inspector and the post of DOS should be merged in the grade of AO.It is also proposed that the grade pay of 5400 to the AO after completing 4 years service in the grade of AO. The post of UDC before restructuring 2002 may be treated as STA for counting services for the promotion in the grade of inspector.

  7. After going through cadre restructuring proposal 2010 it is found that ministerial cadres are demoralised by the cadre restructuring as well as 6th pay commission. As per proposal of cadre restructuring 2010 the post of DOS are being merged with STA which is showing the demotion of the present working DOS. AO a Gazzetted post equalent to Supdt but AO has been granted the grade pay of 4600 in stead of 4800 and Rs 5400 after completing 4 years.It is more unjustice with all the ministerial cadre. As per my view the minimum qualifying service for the promotion in the grade of Inspector should be 5 years as TA or ten years of total service.There should be no qualifying service for the promotion in the grade of Inspector from the grade of STA. All the UDCs promoted before restructuring 2002 may be redesignated as STA. All vacancies raised after restrucuturing 2010 should be filledup by the promotion of ministerial cadre by giving one time relaxation of all types.It is also proposed that the grade pay of DOS should be 4600 and initial grade pay of AO should be 4800 and after completing 4 years they are eligible in grade pay of 5400 equailent to Supdt.
