Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meeting at New Delhi and Developments

New Delhi, 21.08.2010
You all might be aware of the recent meeting of the Office bearers held at New Delhi, on Cadre restructuring proposal to deliberate upon the response of the Association, apart from following up the various issues affecting the cadre. As scheduled the Executive Committee of the meeting was held on 16th August, 2010, the Minutes of which are under circulation. The same will be placed, on receipt of concurrence from the Members who participated in the Meeting. The issues that were followed up in the Ministry and Board’s Office are placed hereunder for the information of the Members.

1. Though it was rumored that the cadre restructuring proposal has been finalized by DG, HRD and forwarded to the Board, the information gathered indicated that the same has never reached the Board’s Office and it still remains only with the Top Brass. It is reliably learnt that the same has been certainly finalized by the Board and is only awaiting approval from the different authorities. We might get to know of the status only when the same is revealed or sent to DOPT and Department of Expenditure for approval.

2. It was learnt that as per the said proposal, the post of the DOS is likely to be abolished, with creation of additional posts in the level of Administrative Officers. Though the number of posts that are likely to be created at the level of AO could not be confirmed, it is reliably learnt that the abolition of the post of DOS is a certainty.

3. On learning that the post is likely to be abolished, it was decided to oppose any reduction in the total sanctioned strength of Ministerial cadre on one or other pretext, when there is constant increase in the workload. The Office bearers met the Member (P&V) and the Joint Secretary (Admn), CBEC and requested to not abolish any post in the Ministerial cadre, which will reduce the sanctioned strength. A letter to this effect has also been submitted to the Chairman and Member (P&V) while reiterating the earlier demands of the Association.

4. The issue of higher Grade Pay to the cadre of Administrative Officers was followed up in the Department of Expenditure. The Office Bearers met the Director (DoE) and Jt. Secretary (DoE), and justified the Higher Grade Pay. While, the Director informed that he will examine the proposal after the file reaches him, the Jt. Secretary (Expenditure/IC) in her interaction stated that this is an anomaly and should be taken up in the Departmental Anomaly committee. At this point it was informed that the CBEC has already considered this aspect and after due consideration has recommended the higher grade pay. Thereafter, the delegation was assured that the issue will be examined and our submissions would be given due consideration.

5. The issue relating to delay in promotion to the grade of CAO was also followed up. A total of 8 Officers whose ACR/APAR grading is below benchmark need to be served with a copy of the concerned ACR/APAR and an undertaking to this effect has to be filed by the respective CCAs to the Board as per the DOPT’s instructions. Such undertakings have to be then forwarded to the UPSC for further action. The Office bearers of the respective zones have been requested to follow up the issue with the respective CCAs.

6. The issue regarding relaxation of qualifying service for promotion from the grade of TA/STA to Inspector was also followed up. Further the issue relating to relaxation of ban on ICT for other compassionate grounds (other than Spouse grounds) also was taken up. Both the issues are under active consideration.

7. The Association has submitted a letter for temporary downgradation of the vacant posts in the grade of DOS to that of STA in those zones where there is stagnation. The CCA Jaipur has already forwarded a proposal in this regard during February – 2010 and the matter is under consideration of the Board.

8. The Early Hearing application that has been filed in the Supreme Court was followed up. It was learnt from the Registry that the defects, i.e., filing of affidavit regarding service of notice on all respondents have not been completed by the department till date, due to which the MA has not been listed. On learning that the Chennai CCA had forwarded the acknowledgement of receipt of notice to the Directorate of Legal Affairs, the Office bearers met the Additional Commissioner, Ms.Prachi Saroop, for doing the needful. She informed that the matter is not dealt with at the Directorate and the issue is being handled at Ad.III.B Section of the Board’s Office. Therefore a letter was submitted for filing of an Affidavit of service in the Court immediately.

9. The Ministry had clarified that the promotion to the level of erstwhile TAs from UDC shall be ignored for the purpose of ACP scheme and the Officers can be granted ACP in the hierarchical grade of DOS L-I &L-II. A similar dispensation has been sought for the Officers who are promoted to the grade of Inspectors.

The Office bearers will meet again at New Delhi soon after the cadre restructuring proposal is made known to the Association, and formulate its Official response on the matter.

Copy of the letter is placed hereunder for information.

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