Monday, September 30, 2019




It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.

Change is the only constant. Life is to move on and keep walking ahead. 

It is with these thoughts in mind that the new office bearers of this all India association took charge on 29-09-2019 when the all India convention and fresh Election of this body was conducted in Kolkata.

A total of 19 affiliated units participated in the said convention. While Com. Aditya Ranjan, EA, GS of Delhi Zone became the President, Com. Ajay Kumar, EA, GS of Chennai Zone became the Secretary-General of the Association.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of the convention:

1. The election process was held on 29-09-2019 at Conference Hall of NACIN, Kolkata. The election process was held in a free and fair manner through secret ballot as per MOA and the unanimous decision of all members/officer bearers present in the all India convention.

2. Minutes of the All India convention held on 29-09-2019 was prepared along with a set of goals and objectives to create an effective body of focused and dedicated officers. The Minutes were signed by a total of 26 participating zonal leaders.

3. Further,  a letter to Chairman, CBIC, endorsing copies to others intimating the formation of a newly elected body – i.e. Executive Committee of the AIB was sent on 30-09-2019. 

For complete details, click on this link to take a look at all the letters of the Kolkata convention.

CAO Promotion

Congratulations to all officers promoted to the grade of Chief Accounts Officer (CAO). the promotion order is attached.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Good morning comrades.

    Yesterday, the 26th September 2019, I visited Board Office and met Member (Admin), CBIC, Joint Secretary (Admin), CBIC and Officers of AdIIA and AdIII Sections.
    As you all know that the DPC for promotion to the grade of CAO was conducted by UPSC on 18th September 2019, we are waiting for the promotion order to be published by Board. It is learnt that the file is awaiting approval of hon’ble Finance Minister of India. The Board will publish the promotion order immediately after approval, on in-situ basis, as requested by this association. Member (Admin) is monitoring the progress on the issue.

    The Recruitment Rules (RR) of Administrative Officer is with Law Ministry for vetting and it has sought some documents from Board for the purpose. The documents have been gathered and this association helped Board officials to get it from respective directorates. Board is sending all these documents to the Ministry and we expect that the RR may be notified before Diwali. The Ad IIA Section is working tirelessly on it.

    It is learnt that the files for One Time Relaxation (OTR) of EA and Inspector are with Member (Admin) as some queries have been raised by higher level officer. He is trying to sort out the issue and we hope it would soon be sent again for approval.

    The work on amendment of all RRs are going on to bring it all at par with CBDT, as desired by hon’ble Chairman of CBIC.

    The draft RRs of Tax Assistant is sent back to DoPT again with the proposed qualifying service of five years in the feeder grade and having 75:25 Direct:Promotion ratio, as informed by the official of AdIII Section.

    The Board has requested for the vacancy position of CAO from all CCAs, request all zonal leaders to pursue and expedite.

    Long Live AICESTMOA. Jai Hind.

                                        Yours sincerely,

                                       Secretary General


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

CAO Promotion

DPC for the promotion to the grade of CAO is scheduled to be held today and even tomorrow. Let us hope that it completes successfully and the eligible AOs get their promotion. We will try our best to get the Order published in this month itself so that officers due to retire this month also get their benefit.
Comradely yours,
Secretary General