Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Delhi Visit


            The President, Liaison Secretary and I visited Board offices on 05th and 06th December 2018. The purpose of the visit was to meet Chairman and Member (Admin) of CBIC to discuss our pending issues besides gathering the latest status on all the issues. Unfortunately, the Chairman was on official tour to Mumbai and the Member (A) directed us to meet Commissioner (Coord) and Joint Secretary (A) to know the status as he did not have any latest inputs about the issues, as told by him. Accordingly, we met JS (A) on 05th and had a meeting for about 45 mins and conveyed him that all the promotions are still at halt due to the letters issued by Mr. B.K. Manthan, the Under Secretary of Ad IIIA & IIIB. He immediately called up Mr. Manthan and said to come with file next day and find out the probable solution to remove the deadlock for grant of promotion. However, he repeatedly said that Mr. Rajpal Singh, the predecessor of Mr. Manthan was to be blamed for this situation and not the latter.

            Later in the day, we met Commissioner (Coord) and had discussion on CAO DPC and AO promotion issues. She confirmed that the proposal for review DPC was accepted by UPSC and date will be given by them anytime soon. She said the regular DPC can be held only after review DPC as instructed by UPSC, however, she asserted that she would look into it personally to get these DPCs held at the earliest. This was also conveyed to us that the documents from a couple of places are yet to be received for regular DPC of CAO. Regarding amendment of RR of AO, it is told that Board could convince DoPT after a series of meeting that this RR needs to be notified soon as there is huge shortage of AOs in the field level. It is also learnt that the demand of this association to not have any provision of Direct recruitment in the RR is also met. Now, the provision will be 100% promotion quota failing which posts to be filled up by deputation. We expect that the RRs will be notified within a couple of months.
            On 06th December 2018, the Regional Secretaries of North and West Zone also joined us and we visited Ad IIIA and Ad IIIB Sections and had a long meeting with Deputy Secretary, where the Under Secretary Mr. B.K. Manthan was also present. During the meeting, we produced all our papers in support of our claim that the promotions in the field formations were granted on the direction of Board and as per Rules. Hence the letters, issued by Board to some Zones to take ‘corrective action’ are completely wrong decision. We requested them to withdraw those letters and open the doors of promotion. The DS gave a patient hearing and noted all the points and assured us to take up the things with JS (A) and Member (A), CBIC. The same afternoon, they went to meet JS (A) with all the papers.

            The liaison Secretary will pursue the issue and we will again visit Board office after a fortnight to keep a track on regular basis.

            Let us hope to get positive response from Board in a fortnight otherwise we may have to resort to other means to pressurize Board to fulfill our demands

            Jai Hind. Jai AICESTMOA.

                                                                                                                         Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                        Secretary General