Saturday, June 16, 2018

Sunday, June 3, 2018



            We had a lot of activities in last a few days.

            The 2nd meeting of Anomaly Committee took place on 24th May 2018 at North Block, New Delhi, under the chairmanship of Additional Revenue Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India. Our point for increase of pay of Tax Assistant was discussed at length. Though the official side put their views that different department has different set of work, hence can’t be compared to each other but we put our point that we do a lot of technical work and the TA comes through the same examination (CGLE) with additional qualification of computer proficiency of 8000 k.d.p.h. hence, the pay level should be increased to bring it at par with other departments. We also pointed out that an employee comes through H.S. level examination of SSC, draws the same pay as drawn by a Tax Assistant. They assured that the issue would be examined and will call us again if required. Administrative Officer (AO), being a G.O. post, the committee did not consider the issue for discussion. However, we talked about the discrimination; the AOs of the CBIC are facing in regard to pay. The Chair directed us to take up the issue with Board. The increase of pay of LDC was also taken up but that can take effect only when the pay of TA is increased.
            We visited the other offices on 25th and tried to find out the file position of other issues. A D.O. letter was again issued by Commissioner (Coord) for submission of documents for 38 no. of officers, which have some deficiencies by 30th May 2018. Unfortunately, some zones are yet to fulfill the requirement.

            We had submitted another letter to the Chairperson of CBIC to personally intervene in the matter of withdrawal of letters due to which the DPCs are at halt and also to get the promotion to the grade of AO immediately. The Chairman instructed the Member (A) to call us on urgent basis to discuss the issue. This is very urgent for DPC of CAO.

            On 26th May the Gujarat zonal meeting was held at Ahmedabad and a new committee has been formed in my presence. The members were present from almost all the Commissionerate of the State and some of them were included in the present committee. Shri Mohan has taken over as the President and Shri Vikas Kumar as General Secretary of the Zone. We congratulate the new committee and wish them to do well for the cadre.

            We received the call of Member (A), CBIC to attend the meeting on 31st May at his chamber to discuss on two critical issues as mentioned above. President, the Regional Secretary of Northern region and I attended the meeting. General Secretary of Jaipur Zone also accompanied us. We put our points once again in front of the official side with all supporting documents. The Member (A) again asked time to sort out the issue but we wanted to know the time limit. The Pr. ADG of DGHRD requested to submit the documents once again with a copy to him and asked a week time to go through all the papers. He told that we would be called for the discussion again after the given time frame. It was informed that the RRs of Administrative Officer is being forwarded to DoPT through Secretary level for giving the final shape.

            Later, on the day, we met the Chairperson and apprised her of about the dismal condition of the cadre and non action of Board to sort these critical issues. She assured to direct the Member (A) to look into the issues personally and sort it out before she leaves the chair on 30th June.

            We once again request the zones to strengthen themselves and prepare to fight with any adverse situation. Since the convention is only a couple of month away, the due subscription may be deposited to the national account at the earliest.  

            We hope for the best and trying to nurture all the issues through all possible ways.

            Jai Hind.

                                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                        (Sankar Kumar Saha)
                                                                                                                           Secretary General