Sunday, May 20, 2018




            The required documents in respect of the officers eligible for CAO promotion have been forwarded to Board. The D.O. letter issued by Member (Admn), CBEC, on our demand, has helped to hasten the process. The shortcomings mentioned in the letter were mostly the absence of training certificate. By this time, most of the eligible officers have completed the training and a few left over officers will complete it soon. We have written a letter to Member (Admin), CBEC with request to further accelerate the process so that the DPC can be held in the month of June.

            The 2nd meeting of the anomaly committee, to settle the anomaly arisen out of the last CPC, is scheduled for 24th May 2018 at Kalpavrisksha, North Block. As you all know, we have demanded to increase the grade pay (as per VI CPC) of AO to ` 4800/-, for TA to ` 2800/- and LDC to ` 2400/-, the points will be taken up for discussion as these have been forwarded from our Board after we pressed hard in the meeting on 17.01.2018. We will attend the meeting and also meet other officials to find out the status of all pending issues.

            We have also requested the chairperson, CBEC to give us an appointment to discuss our pending issues. However, it is not granted yet, and it is learnt that Member (Admn) is instructed to talk to us. We will write again and request the chairperson to meet us and give us the desired solution over the critical issues.

            The Executive Committee meeting was held on 06th May 2018, as scheduled and some important decisions have been taken. The minutes of the said meeting is drawn and is appended below. Chandigarh Zone has shown its willingness to hold the convention and was unanimously accepted by all office bearers present in the meeting. Later, Shri Ram Lalit, President informed that the convention will be held on 04th August 2018.

            We congratulate our Vice President Shri Shivaji Valu for his promotion to the grade of Inspector. We are thankful to him for his contribution to this association. Wish him all success for his future in the executive cadre.

            Gujarat Zone is going to have 2nd All Gujarat Convention on 26th May 2018. We wish them all success.

            The submissions are attached herewith for information please.

                                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                        (Sankar Kumar Saha)
                                                                                                                           Secretary General
Minutes  Appointment  CAO DPC