Monday, April 16, 2018



            Hope u all r doing well.

            We, jointly with other two Customs Ministerial associations, forwarded the proposal to Board for immediate filling up of vacant posts of AO by any means, whether by notifying RRs of AO or by issuing the Instruction / Order. The proposed RRs of AO has been returned by DoPT, once again, with the same objection. It is learnt that the Board officials are in talk with DoPT for finding out a solution.

            The required documents in respect of eligible AOs, for promotion to the post of CAO, have been sent to Board by all the zones. Now, the documents will be scrutinized by Board and if any shortfall comes to notice, will be informed to the respective zone. The zonal leaders and the concerned officers have to take initiative to meet up the lapse, if any.  We hope that the DPC would soon take place. We also demanded a D.O. letter from Member (Admn), CBEC, addressing CCs, for forwarding the desired documents from the respective zones at the earliest.

            The proposals, forwarded for filling up the vacant posts of EA and Inspector along with the proposal for amendment of both the RRs, are under examination by Board. We would be able to know the status in a few days as a visit to Board is planned in coming week.

            A letter has also been forwarded to have uniformity in promotion across all the zones in CBEC and demanded to take immediate decision on the letters issued by Shri B.K. Manthan, Under Secretary, on various dates, due to which the DPCs are held up in many zones.

            The Co-ordination Committee in CBIC (CoC in CBIC) will meet again on 05th May 2018, in Kolkata to decide its future course of action. The President and other leaders of this association will attend the meeting.

            A letter is forwarded to The Additional Secretary (Revenue), Ministry of Finance, to convene the 2nd meeting of Anomaly Committee, at the earliest, as the CBEC has forwarded the points to be discussed in the meeting.

            We will have an Executive Committee meeting on 06th May 2018, in Kolkata on various issues including the upcoming convention date and venue. The minutes of the meeting will be published for your information.

            The submissions are attached herewith for information please.

            Thanking you.

                                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                        (Sankar Kumar Saha)
                                                                                                                           Secretary General
AO RR  UniformitDO  Anomaly

Thursday, April 5, 2018



            Hope u r feeling fresh after a very hectic financial year ending. Some of us enjoyed a very happy weekend with four consecutive closed holidays. This association has no holidays and always been awake for the betterment of its members.

            We have forwarded the proposal for amendment of Recruitment Rules for Executive Assistant and Inspector. Also, urged to fill up the vacant posts by promotion by considering relaxation. These have been done as suggested by the Member (A), CBEC, during our meeting on 06th March 2018, in the presence of DG of DGHRD. The submissions, signed by Secretaries of all three Ministerial Associations of CBEC, are put below for information to all our members. We will also be sending the proposal for filling up all vacant posts of AO by tomorrow.

            The DPC for CAO is still taking some time as a couple of zones have not forwarded the desired documents of eligible officers till now. Our leadership present there are trying their best to pursue the matter and do it at the earliest. Some AOs are really doing good work to get the documents reach to Board and are in touch with us.

            We have written to Additional Revenue Secretary, Dept. of Revenue to arrange for 2nd meeting of Departmental Anomaly Committee. Hope to get the call soon. We are in touch with the leadership of CBDT Association too.

            Wish all our members a very happy financial year 2018-19!!

                                                                                                              Yours sincerely

                                                                                                         (Sankar Kumar Saha)
                                                                                                           Secretary General
              Fed/1        Fed/2      Fed/3     Fed/4