Monday, March 12, 2018

Delhi Visit


    We attended the meeting at DGHRD Office, Gole Market, New Delhi on 06th March 2018. The meeting was initially chaired by Shri B. Bhattacharya, the Director General of DGHRD and later Shri S. Ramesh, Member (Admn), CBEC. However, Member (Admn) left after sometime to attend another important meeting. From the official side, the meeting was attended by the officers of concerned sections (Ad IIIA & IIIB, Ad IIA, DGHRD etc.). The office bearers of two Customs Ministerial Associations (AICMOA AND AICMEF) also attended. From AICESTMOA, Shri Ram lalit, President, Shri Tarun Kumar Seal and Shri Shivaji Valu, Vice President, Shri Prosenjit Pandey, Asst. Secretary General, Shri Vivek Kumar, Organising Secretary and I attended the meeting.

    The issues were discussed point wise as the sequence of the points was same for all the three associations. The details of the discussion are given below:

    Amendment of RRs of EA & Inspector:

    It was briefed by our side that the comments of stakeholders were required to be taken before publication of these RRs to make it error free and to save both the department and the career of stakeholders, as it is mandatory as per DoPT guidelines and was also used to be done even during the year 2002-2003. The effects of enhancement of qualifying service from 03 yrs to 10 yrs and 02 yrs to 05 yrs for EA and Inspector respectively, were briefed and it was pointed out how the Board did not pay heed to the betterment of employees before publication of these RRs. Even though the previous Member (A), CBEC, foreseen the problem of these changes but later much attention was not paid to overcome the problem. It was pointed out that the decision of 40% Direct Recruitment for EA and only 10% promotion quota for Inspector grade was taken in haste and not correct. The logic and supporting documents were placed before the Chair and convinced him by saying that the CBDT is still following the old RRs, keeping in mind the welfare of the employees. We also informed that the LDCE concept brought in the existing RRs of Inspector is not clearly defined, hence the RRs may be termed as defective.

    It was requested to the staff side to not insist upon the old mistakes, rather to suggest how to overcome the problems. It was agreed that the amendment proposal can be sent to DoPT with proper logic and the staff side will prepare the proposal and forward to Board. Since the process may consume sometime, hence the relaxation to fill up all vacant posts of EA and Inspector will be taken up in fast track.

    Letters issued by Shri B.K. Manthan, Under Secretary to Govt. of India of Ad IIIA Section.
    When this issue came up for discussion, the Member (A) had to leave in hurry. We informed the DG that the letters issued by Shri B.K. Manthan on date 04.01.2018 and 11.01.2018 were without the approval of competent authority and against the verdict of Hon’ble Supreme Court and A.P. High Court, followed by the Board’s instructions. The letters issued on those dates created confusion amongst the zones in CBEC and the promotions have been affected badly. The eligible candidates are not getting promotion even though vacancies are available. The matter was brought in the notice of Member (A) immediately by our submission and also by meeting him on 16.01.2018. Assurances were given to sort out the issue within 10 days after discussion with the concerned associations but nothing has been done.

    The chair assured to discuss the issue with the Member (A), on the same day and find out the solution at the earliest so that the career of the affected people is not hampered.

    It was informed by our Asst Sec Gen Shri Prosenjit Pandey, who met Member (A), on 07.03.2018 during the visiting hours, that, the Member (A) discussed the issue with DG of DGHRD and assured that no such decision would be taken which may affect the career of employees concerned. An early solution will be provided to clear the mess.

    RRs of AO

    Official side informed that the RRs of AO with feeder grade as EA is once again being sent to DoPT with proper justification and hopefully, it will be cleared this time.

    Our side informed that since the notification of amended RRs is still not in sight hence, Board should take alternative measure to fill up all vacant posts of AO immediately. It was brought to the notice of House that Para 6 of Cadre Restructuring letter dated 18.12.2013 has a solution if a situation like this occurs. “Pending notification of revised RRs, wherever required, the newly created/redesignated posts will be filled up on the basis of extent guidelines for RRs, issued by DoPT”. Board can take immediate measure to fill up the vacant posts on the basis of DoPT guidelines i.e. here in this case those who have completed 5 yrs of regular service in the G.P. of Rs. 4200/- may be considered for promotion, the decision for which may be taken at Board level only. 

    Official side informed that if DoPT does not clear the RRs file this time, then similar proposal may be forwarded to DoPT for filling up the vacant posts of AO.

    All vacant posts of Ministerial cadre to be filled up immediately
    We informed the house that in all the grades of Ministerial cadre, there is less than 50% manpower presently working. Work pressure on ministerial officers is excessively high at all field formations. Board must consider special onetime relaxation to fill up all vacant posts in Ministerial cadre. It was also pointed out that no benefit has been extended to this cadre in the last cadre restructuring effected in 2013.

    Official side replied that information will be obtained from field formation to grant onetime relaxation.

    DPC of CAO

    We requested to conduct DPC of CAO in time bound manner. To get the papers (APAR, VC/IC etc.) of eligible officers, Member (A) was requested to write D.O. letter to all Pr. CC/CC immediately. Director Ad IIA said that, it would be done after consultation with Member (A).

    Grade Pay of A.O. to Rs. 4800/- and T.A. Rs. 2800/-

    Director Ad IIA informed that these points have already been forwarded to Anomaly Committee for consideration. This side requested to supply a copy of the forwarding letter to all ministerial associations. It was agreed to, subject to the willingness of Member (A)/Commissioner (Coord). Later, we met Commissioner (Coord) at her office; she agreed to give a copy endorsing the name of the association.

    Past service counting and education bar

    We requested to give weightage to the experience and educational bar should be removed in case of promotion to all the grades. We requested to amend the RRs of TA with qualification as 10th pass instead of 10+2 as it is not possible to acquire additional qualification at a later stage. If these officers are not considered for promotion the Department would lose the experienced manpower. We supplied the copy of TA RRS of CBDT, where the educational qualification has been kept at 10th Pass only.

    The chair agreed in principle that the parity should be maintained in CBEC and CBDT in case of promotion. The proposal can be considered after examination.

    The uniformity in case of promotion

    We narrated the situation as to how the uniformity is not maintained in case of promotion. Board issued letter to Delhi Zone for granting promotion to the grade of Inspector, who passed the qualifying exam after 50 years of age, on the basis of the judgement of Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT. We requested several times to issue the order for all the zones of CBEC but no response from Board.

    Similarly, the TAs of CGL 2011 batch of Jaipur Zone are yet to get the promotion to the grade of EA/STA, even though some zones have granted promotion to the grade of Inspector for the officers of same batch.

    The Chair agreed to examine the proposal and do the needful.

    RRs of TA

    The RRs of TA should have the same qualifying service and same educational qualification as in the RRs of TA in CBDT, notified in the year 2015. We informed that in any case, we are not going to accept the RRs having qualifying service at 11 yrs at ‘failing which’ clause as it is kept at 08 years in case of CBDT. The educational qualification is also kept at 10th Pass only unlike CBEC.

    We will do our part as decided in the meeting and wait for the response of Board. Meanwhile, we have to remain united and decide the further course of action.

    Long Live AICESTMOA. Jai Hind.

                                       Yours faithfully,


                                       Secretary General