Thursday, November 23, 2017


             Good Morning.

          We have not interacted for about a month. We were all engaged with different festivals and hopefully enjoyed it with family members. The activities of the association have been continued and pursued with Board by the office bearers of AICESTMOA. 

          In the interim, All India Seniority List of Administrative Officers (AO) from 01.01.2009 to 30.06.2014 has been finalised and put in the DGHRD website on 08.11.2017. The soft and hard copy have been forwarded to Board for further action for DPC of Chief Accounts Officer (CAO).

          Draft of amended Recruitment Rules (RR) of AO has been returned again by DoPT with some queries. We are taking it very seriously and written a couple of letters to Member (Admin), CBEC and also in touch with Board, to get it returned with positive note and in the mean time we are demanding the instruction to conduct DPC for all vacant posts of AO.

          The DGHRD has sought some information on One Time Relaxation (OTR) on EA and Inspector but yet to receive from all the zones. Even some information has been sought regarding the STA/EAs, who passed promotion examination for Inspector after 50 years of age, However, we have put our demand on this issue.

          This is the time to strengthen the association and connect all parts of the country with us. I request all zonal leaders to come forward and increase the membership and join hands together.

          Thanking you. Assuring the best possible effort for betterment of our members. All the letters forwarded to Board and DGHRD in the month of October and till date are attached here for information.

                                                                                                                       Comradely yours

                                                                                                                      Secretary General

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