Sunday, April 16, 2017

Delhi Visit


    We have been to Delhi from 12th April 2017 to 13th April 2017 to meet and congratulate our new chairperson Ms. Vanaja N Sarna besides attending the meeting convened by JAC in CBEC and the Special Executive Committee meeting of our own association. The Chairperson invited this association to interact on different issues after assuming her charge as Chairperson of CBEC. During our discussion we narrated all our pending issues and emphasized that some of these have been discussed many times with her during her tenure as Member (Admin) but did not yield any positive result. Madam agreed to look into those and instructed her OSD to note down. She gave a patient hearing to us and the meeting ended with a very cordial atmosphere. She stressed upon regular meetings with local CCAs at zonal level and at National level with Board officials.

    We also greeted Shri S Ramesh, newly appointed Member (Admin) of CBEC, with a bouquet and wished him success. He assured us to listen to our issues within a couple of week from now.

    The JAC meeting was attended by Shri Ram Lalit on our behalf and he expressed our concerns about the repositioning of ministerial officers in GST regime.

    Shri Ashim Pramanick, President of our association has submitted his resignation on 27th March 2017, quoting personal reason, to Shri Tarun Kumar Seal, Vice President. The Special meeting of AICESTMOA was convened to discuss on his resignation and also to co-opt the office bearers for the vacant posts, created due to resignation or promotion etc. The resignation of Shri Pramanick was accepted and Shri Ram Lalit has been chosen as the new president of AICESTMOA. The vacant post of Vice President is filled up by Shri Shivaji Valu of Pune Zone. Shri Prosenjit Pandey of W.B. zone, treasurer of AICESTMOA has been chosen as Asst. Secretary General. He would continue to hold the post of treasurer till the next convention. Shri Vivek Kumar is now the Organising Secretary of the association. Ms. Shashi Baje of Odisha and Shri Rajesh Yadav of Gujarat zones are now the regional Secretaries of Eastern and Western zone respectively. This arrangement will continue till the next convention of AICESTMOA is held and get its approval. We welcome all new office bearers to AICESTMOA and wish them good luck.

    We also visited other offices of CBEC and checked the progress of our issues. We requested to issue the letter for notional promotion, addressing to all the CCAs, from the date of actual vacancy as issued to a couple of zones. The issue was also raised during the meeting with Chairperson. The relaxation for EA and Inspector promotion files are with DGHRD and we requested the concerned officer to take an early decision. The delay in Publication of amended Recruitment Rules of AO and finalisation of seniority list of AOs from 2009 onwards resulted to delay in promotion to the post of AO and CAO were discussed during the meeting with chairperson of CBEC and madam instructed OSD to note down and look after the issues.

    We expressed our concern regarding the position of Ministerial Officers in GST regime to Shri Balesh Kumar, ADG HRM1 of CBEC during his visit of Kolkata and told that he hopes that there won’t be any downsizing or major shuffling of the posts. He agreed to discuss the issue in any future date in detail. 

       Long Live AICESTMOA. Jai Hind.
We are with honourable chairperson

Monday, April 10, 2017



            It has always been our endeavour to convince the Board officials about our genuine demands and achieve the goal in the way of getting instruction to conduct DPC and follow the right procedure. Some CCAs follow the instruction in right spirit and some would like to get more clarifications. One such instance is the letter issued on 02.8.2016 which has helped to get promotions in many zones on the basis of RRs, existing at the time of occurrence of vacancies.

        Recently, some zones got clarifications issued by Board in respect of giving promotion on the basis of the above mentioned letter and to give compliance report. Other zones are also demanding such letter for their zones. We will take up the issue with higher officials of Board and demand for the same. 

         We will be in the national capital on 12th and 13th April to meet and congratulate our new chairman of CBEC, attend a JAC meeting and also have our Special Executive Committee meeting. We will be visiting Board offices to find out the status of different issues pending at different level. 

          We have learnt from sources that Relaxation files for EA and Inspector and also the file for issuance of Executive Instruction for promotion to AO are on the move. We will take up these issues to move the file faster and try to get our desired result.

          All India Seniority List of AOs from 2009 onwards have been at the final stage and stuck up for the want of some information from a couple of zones. We will talk to authorities to finalize it soon.

            Meanwhile, the minutes of the meeting held on 14.03.2017 with honourable Member (Admin), CBEC has been received at this end. (Minutes).

            Long live AICESTMOA.

                                                                                                                   Yours comradely,

                                                                                                                  Secretary General

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


         We congratulate all our members, across the country, who got their due promotion to the next higher grade. We believe that the hard work always pays. At many places our zonal leaders put their sincere efforts to convince the respective CCs and CCAs. Most of them succeeded in their endeavour and a few are yet to get the desired result. Members are requested to stand by the leaders to achieve the goal. Please keep in mind that we can fulfill any of our genuine demand by standing together under the umbrella of the association.
       Zonal leaders are always in touch with the national leadership and the pending issues are constantly being pursued with the Board officials. The office bearers are going to camp in Delhi for a couple of days in next week, to find out the status of each pending issue and meet higher officials to press hard for desired result. An executive committee meeting is also scheduled in Delhi on 13th of this month to further strengthen the national body by co-opting new office bearers in vacant positions.
     We once again convey our best wishes to all our zonal leaders and our members who got promotions to the next higher grades.
       Long live AICESTMOA.