Thursday, September 8, 2016

Following is the message from Organising Secretary to President/General  Secretary of all affiliated units of AICESTMOA. The signed copy is also placed at bottom.

The President/General Secretary,
All affiliated units of All India Central Excise
& Service Tax Ministerial Officers’ Association.

Dear Comrades!

Subject :- Renewal of Recognition of the Association- Remittance of subscription-submission of DDO Certificates- reg.

May I once again draw your kind attention over the fact that the recognition of this association is required to be renewed on or before 03rd March 2017 as the last extension for renewal of 5 years was granted w.e.f. 04th March 2012.

2.         Thus recognition of this Association is going to expire on 03rd March 2017 i.e. within approximately 7 months. In this context, it will be pertinent to mention here that if the Association is able to address letters to the Board/Ministry on the grievances and ensure that they are heard, it is only due to the fact that today ours is a recognized Association. The recognition to all India body of this Association also enables the local units to raise the local issues before the local authorities. Further, the National/Local leaders of this Association also take part in the Departmental Meetings/JCMs, because they are entitled to do so as being part of a recognized Association. The advantages of a recognized Association are many and are well known. Thus it is our binding responsibility to get the process completed well within time for getting the further renewal of recognition from the govt.

 3.        In order to renew the recognition it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the necessary documents including the DDO certificates are submitted to the Ministry in Advance apart from the audited statement of Accounts of the subscription received during the last two Years. Further, Article 6(f) of the bye-laws of the Association provides that “From the subscription collected by the various units, the proportionate share of the Association should be remitted to the Association”. In this regard, as per decision taken during All India Convention held in Hyderabad on 16th May 2015, Rs 10/- per month i.e. Rs 120/- per year per member is to be remitted to the All India Association along with DDO certificate.

4.         Further, kind attention is also invited towards blog message dated 24th June 2016 of the Secretary General, relevant part of which is reproduced below :-

“The DDO’s Certificate (Annexure-II) for submission with the Board, is also required from each zone for renewal of recognition, which will be due in early 2017.  A separate circular is being issued on this front.  The official bank account of this association has been transferred from Pune to Kolkata and it is made operative. The association activities in some parts of the country are bare minimum or nil, at the moment. It is reiterated that a strong zonal association can take up the zonal issues with the respective CCA vigorously.”

However, despite the above request of the Secretary General as well as request of the President to the zonal/ unit representatives on various occasions viz. Hyderabad Convention and special meeting in Ahmedabad, to remit their share of the subscription amount to the All India Association, barring a few none of the leaders has responded to the said request.

Therefore it is once again requested that all the Zonal unit representatives may kindly remit their subscription to the All India Association immediately, without any further delay. An amount of Rs.120/- per member has to be remitted to the All India Account by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Association or remitted directly to the Association’s Account.

 5.         Further, all the Zonal/unit representatives are requested to kindly obtain and forward the Annexure–II i.e., DDO certificates in the prescribed format to the undersigned immediately to the address mentioned below :-

National Organizing Secretary,
All India Central Excise & Service Tax Ministerial Officers’ Association,
1st Floor, Custom House, Near All India Radio,
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009
FAX:- 079-27544463

The certificate may be obtained for the Annual Year 2016-17. The zonal/unit representatives should strive to achieve 100% enrolment of Members in their respective zone and try to achieve the maximum number of DDO certificates possible latest by 05th October 2016.

6.         It is once again reiterated that the renewal of recognition by submitting the DDO certificates and audited statement of accounts in time and any failure to do so will result in huge and catastrophic loss to the entire cadre which will then be difficult to overcome. The absence of recognition cannot be even imagined at this crucial juncture, as we have many unresolved issues related to Ministerial cadre. Therefore, all the responsible leaders are requested to take necessary steps and ensure that the requisite number of DDO certificates, are submitted as soon as possible, latest by 05th October, 2016 and the subscriptions as mentioned above.

Yours Comradely,

 (Vikas Kumar Gupta)
                   Organizing Secretary

 Signed Copy Pg1Pg 2