Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Dear Comrades,

          We would like to congratulate all our Senior colleagues who have been promoted to Chief Accounts Officer (CAO).  It is a success of our persistent effort towards achieving this promotion.  We would also like to place our appreciation on records for all those comrades at various zones who have contributed to the cause.  We also thank our Board for granting this promotion.  CAO PROMOTION ORDER HAS BEEN ISSUED TODAY AND THE SAME IS GIVEN BELOW:


Date of Uploading
Brief Description

Yours Comradely,

             Sd/-                               Sd/-

(Ashim Pramanick)      (Sankar Kumar Saha)
        President                 Secretary General

Monday, August 15, 2016

Othe eve of 70th Independence day, President, Secretary General and all Executive Body members of AICESTMOA wish you and your family a very Happy Independence Day.

Sunday, August 14, 2016



            We know that you all are busy with the work of preparation of statements of new pay and calculation of arrears on that, as per recommendation of 7th CPC, the Gazette notification for which was published on 25 July 2016 (Notification) and subsequently Office Memorandum was issued on 29 July 2016 (OM). You might have just finished the work related to the annual increment w.e.f. 01 July and AGT of officers of various grades. I am sure that our officers are doing all these work effectively and correctly, besides their routine work. Please do not forget to collect the Form of option and undertaking from each individual officer, as per annexure of given OM, before finalising pay & arrears.

            This association has been constantly pursuing the pending issues with Board and some correspondences have been made on the developments in last couple of months. We have written letter to newly appointed honourable MoSF for removal of disparity with CBDT pertaining to our pay and promotional prospects (Pg 1, Pg 2). We also wrote to honourable Minister and other Board officials for effective implementation of 7th CPC recommendation with respect to the pay parity with CBDT and other formations. (Letter to MoSF Pg 1, Pg 2). We have also forwarded letter pertaining to the publication of Recruitment Rules (RRs) of Inspector in CBEC (see letter). It is my pleasure to inform that CBEC has issued a letter on 2nd August 2016 (Letter), addressed to all CCAs, to fill up all vacant (Pre and post cadre restructuring) Group B & C posts on the basis of existing RRS, as has been demanded by this association (our submission Pg 1, Pg 2). I hope the work, to that effect, has already been commenced in all the zones. Zonal leaders are requested to pursue it with their respective CCAs. We have, once again, requested honourable Chairman, CBEC to look into our pending issues and grant us an appointment (Letter).

            It has been noticed that CBDT has put the draft RRs of Inspector and EA in their website, in which the qualifying service in the feeder grade posts has been proposed as three years in both. We are going to approach CBEC to have the parity with CBDT in both the RRs.

            This association is also trying its level best to get the DPC for CAO conducted in this month itself so that our senior AOs may have some good news. We are also in touch with Board to get the amended RRs for Administrative Officer, at the earliest.

            AICESTMOA wishes all its members and their families a very happy ‘Independence day’.

                                                                                              (Sankar Kr. Saha)
                                                                                              Secretary General