Friday, June 24, 2016

Message from Secretary General

Dear Comrades,

            In continuation to my earlier report of Delhi visit, I would like to share the details of discussion held in the meeting with Shri Jayant Sinha, honourable Minister of State for Finance, in presence of Member (Admin) and Joint Secretary (Admin). Of course, the meeting was an outcome of our efforts to get an appointment with the Hon’ble Minister, highlighting the disparity between CBEC and CBDT (Request letter Pg1, Pg2Pg 3).

            At the outset, the Minister extended us a warm welcome. After the introduction, our president initiated the discussion by projecting the difference in pay structure in the grade of Administrative officers and had a rigorous parley to make him understand that CBEC has never shown much interest to increase the grade pay of AO to Rs. 4800/-, neither any serious attempt was made to replicate the hierarchical structure of CBDT. We adduced the copies of all our submissions, to different officials of Board and Pay Commission, in front of him to make him realize our legitimate demands. The Member (Admin) stated that all our demands have already been forwarded to Empowered Committee of 7th Pay Commission. However, it was not clarified as to whether our demands have been seconded by our Board. It was also pointed out that obtaining the approval of the Cabinet to restructure the Administrative Wing on par with CBDT could be difficult. However, on our repeated submissions, Minister advised the Board to liaise with CBDT on this front.  Subsequently, another submission has been made with the Minister to pursue the issue of Pay Scale even further (Submission Pg 1, Pg 2).

            As regards to disparity of promotional aspects of CBEC and CBDT our presentation was equally strong as we argued with, starting from DoPT guidelines for framing of RR to the different RRs that are being followed in these two Boards. We projected the conditions of present Tax Assistants and conveyed him that there would be none to give option of joining CBEC, if the RR of EA is not amended. We also submitted the papers to show as to how CBDT continues to give promotion to STA, even relaxing the qualifying service from three years to two years. To make him understand the clear disparity, we put forward the RRs of TA of two Boards (Submission Pg 1, Pg 2)

            The Hon’ble minister appreciated that there was disparity in both pay structure and promotional aspects between two Boards and advised our Board to sort out the reasons of discrepancies. The meeting lasted about 40 minutes and ended in cordiality.

            Meanwhile, I would like to inform you that the effort on the part of the Association to address the problems through legal path, simultaneously, is expected to yield some result.  Some TAs of Delhi zone have come together to file a case, for amendment of EA RR, to CAT Principal Bench. They have already appointed the lawyers and prepared the case file.  

            Brief on other issues:

(i)            The proposal for review DPC as well as promotional DPC for promotion to Chief Accounts Officer has been sent to UPSC and we hope to get positive news in a few days.
(ii)       It is learnt that the file on One Time Relaxation for promotion to the grade of Inspector has been returned to the section. It is presumed that Member (Admin) has raised some queries. There appears to be not much of a movement on this front. However, we continue to strive for the same (Submission).
(iii)         We have also written letter to fill up the additional posts, created through cadre restructuring in all grades (Submission Pg 1, Pg 2)

            Regarding our participation in the strike call given by the NJCA, we would support the move morally and involve ourselves in some activities, protesting the Pay Commission report, after giving due notice to the Board. Such programmes will be intimated in due course of time. The leadership is continuously vetting our next steps keeping in mind our meeting with the Minister.

       It is understood that constant persuasion with Board is required to get the updates/result from the Board. The financial condition of the association is in a bad shape as there has been no subscription amount deposited in the national bank account, except by Bihar & Jharkhand Zone. It is not possible for Kolkata and Chandigarh zone alone to always provide fund to meet the expenses for office bearers to move to Delhi whenever required. In fact no further move is possible if the other zones keep quiet in this respect. The DDO’s Certificate (Annexure-II) for submission with the Board, is also required from each zone for renewal of recognition, which will be due in early 2017.  A separate circular is being issued on this front.  The official bank account of this association has been transferred from Pune to Kolkata and it is made operative. The association activities in some parts of the country are bare minimum or nil, at the moment. It is reiterated that a strong zonal association can take up the zonal issues with the respective CCA vigorously.

                  Thanking you.

                                                                                                              Yours comradely,
                                                                                                          (Sankar Kumar Saha)
                                                                                                             Secretary General

Friday, June 10, 2016


Dear Comrades,

               Shri Ashim Pramanick, President, Shri Ram Lalit, ASG & Liaison Secretary and I have attended the meeting with Mr. Jayant Sinha, Hon'ble Minister of State for Finance, in presence of Member (Admin.) and JS (Admin.), in his office at 2 PM, today.  The Hon'ble Minister gave a patient hearing to our presentation and appreciated the disparity between CBEC and CBDT in the context of Pay structure and Recruitment Rules. Hon'ble Minister has advised our Board to take stock of the situation with reference to CBDT. The meeting ended with cordiality.Details followed....

Yours Comradely,

(Sankar Kumar Saha)
Secretary General