Friday, December 25, 2015

VISIT TO DELHI FROM 01st DEC, 2015 TO 03rd DEC, 2015

Dear Comrades,

       In continuation to my earlier message, I would like to share the following about my visit to Delhi, along with Shri Ram Lalit and Shri Prosenjit Pandey,  during 01st Dec 2015 to 03rd Dec 2015:

   The meeting with Member (P&V) lasted for more than an hour. Even though she told us that she would discuss only on the main agenda that is ‘withdrawal / amendment of RR of EA’, we could talk on other pending issues too. Madam was not ready to agree that the RR was finalized unilaterally, but our side once again stressed that the stakeholders were not given an opportunity to be heard before finalizing the said RR, hence the framing guidelines of RR given by DoPT was not followed. We also put forth that CBDT still follows the old RR and even the draft RR for EA in CBDT, has three years as qualifying service as Tax Assistant. Other points, like comparison between MACP and promotion, currency of 6th CPC, joining of this service by freshers leaving other organisation etc., were also brought forward during the discussion. In a nutshell, our side vehemently opposed the publication of new RR of EA, which would spoil the career of existing TAs and also who are about to join. She instructed Joint Secretary (Admin) to examine the issue and take up this with other authorities like DoPT etc.

          Madam was informed about the confusion created in some zones over the issue of letter by Board on 17th September 2015 and subsequent publication of RR of EA on 28th September 2015. She was of the opinion that pre-restructured vacancies can still be filled up on the basis of old/existing RR.

   This association put the demand that with regard to the promotion to TA from LDC, while counting the service of Havaldar, the service rendered as Sepoy, before being re-designated as Havaldar, should also be counted. Member (P&V) responded in a positive manner. We requested to issue an Order on this issue.

     With regard to the DPC for promotion to CAO, this association expressed its deep concern over the delay. Member (P&V) said that she would look into the matter and make it happen at the earliest. However, it was pointed out that reply from various zones on VC/IC were pending, causing the delay. Zonal leaders are requested to follow up the matter in their respective zones.  D.O. letter issued by Member (P&V) on this front is linked herewith - D.O. Letter & Annexure-III.

   On our demand to meet Hon’ble Chairman, CBEC to explain the seriousness of the issue of RR of EA, madam took us to Chairman and matter was discussed with the Chairman, CBEC.

    We also met concerned Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries in the Board to pursue different issues and requested to move the files to higher level officers for early action.

    We visited the office of DGHRD to find out the status of finalization of seniority list of A.O.s from the year 01.01.2009 to 30.06.2014.  It is learnt that many zones have not sent the filled up proforma as desired by the DGHRD letter having F. No. 8/B/187/HRD (HRM)/2014 dated 18.11.2015 (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PAGE-1, PAGE-2 & PAGE-3) along with the seniority list of the respective zones.   All the zonal leaders are requested to take up the matter with concerned authorities and send the filled up proforma with signature, at the earliest. Copy of the above referred letter dated 18.11.15 is posted below for instant view:

Yours Comradely,

(Sankar Kumar Saha)
Secretary General

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Dear Comrades,
           As you are aware that Board convened a meeting on 14.12.2015 to discuss our views and observations on the report of 7th Central Pay Commission, Shri Ram Lalit, Liaison Secretary represented in the meeting. Subsequently Board has issued the Minutes of the meeting held on 14.12.15 under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Admn-EC) (CLICK TO SEE THE MINUTES DT. 14.12.15). We were in constant touch with other two ministerial associations of Customs wing and firmed out our basic demands which is also echoed by the 7th CPC like 6th CPC.  We want parity in Pay Structure with the similarly placed ministerial officers in CSS & CBDT.  Our submission is linked herewith (CLICK TO- 7TH CPC SUBMISSION DT.11.12.15 TO BOARD & SUBMISSION DT.11.12.15  ON 7TH CPC IN HIGHLIGHTS).  This association follows up this demand in subsequent occasions also.
        Besides, in response to Board's circulation, seeking suggestion on relaxation of the Recruitment Rules of STA & TA, we have also submitted our views (CLICK TO VIEW - STA-RELAXATION & TA-RELAXATION).

       This association also pursuing some relaxation in the pre-restructured Recruitment Rules and also demanding for scraping of the RR of EA in its present form.  Board vide it's communication dated 14.12.2015 (available in CBEC website click here to see)  has tried to defend the RR of EA which we will oppose properly with justification.

Yours Comradely,

(Sankar Kumar Saha)
Secretary General

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

VISIT TO DELHI FROM 01.12.2015 TO 03.12.2015


    Myself along with Shri Ram Lalit, Assistant Secretary General (Additional charge of Liaison Secretary) and Shri Prosenjit Pandey, General Secretary of West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Unit during our visit to Board Office, we have meetings with Hon'ble Chairman, Hon'ble Member (P&V) and other Senior Officers in Ad-IIIA/B Sections and have submitted the following letters (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD - 50YRS-PAGE-1 PAGE-2CAO-DPC, EA-RR-PAGE-1 PAGE-2RR-HAVALDAR & RLXN-AO-STA-TA):  Tomorrow we will have other important meetings and related works to the issues of Relaxation in the RR of Inspector, CAO DPC, Promotion to the grade of Inspector after 50 years etc. in different sections of Board offices. DETAILS OF OUR VISIT WILL BE GIVEN SHORTLY.  Today we have also made it happen to issue yet another two letters from the Board (on the same line of relaxation of RR of Inspector), for seeking comments for Relaxation in the Recruitment Rules of STA and TA and the same letters are also given below for information and necessary action:

(Sankar Kumar Saha)
Secretary General