Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Dear Comrades,
                                Kindly refer to my earlier message dated 11.02.2015.
                       Board has issued reminder letter on 27th April, 2015 to the Chief Commissioners under CBEC with a request to send a detail vacancy report of their zones positively by 11th May, 2015 for taking a uniform decision by the Board on ONE TIME RELAXATION IN THE RECRUITMENT RULES.  
Reports are pending from the following Zones:-

Chief Commissioner of Central Excise        –             Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mysore, Mumbai-II & Nagpur.
Chief Commissioner of Customs                -               Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai-I, Mumbai-II &  Mumbai-III
Chief Commissioner of Customs (Preventive)      -    Delhi & Patna.

The same Board's letter is posted below:-

             I request all the zonal leaders and the central office bearers to take initiatives and pursue with the concerned zonal administrations, so that the report pertaining to one time relaxation in the RRs is sent to the Board immediately before 11th May, 2015.

Yours Comradely,

(Ashim Pramanick)

Monday, April 27, 2015

VISIT TO NEW DELHI FROM 22.04.2015 TO 24.04.2015

Dear Comrades,

Myself along with G. Samdani Khan, Organizing Secretary and other Comrades from West Bengal, Hyderabad, New Delhi and Punjab have been on the move over the last three days visiting the various formations of the Board (CBEC).  We summoned our all energy to pursue various issues, facing the well being of our members across the country.

During our visit, we met Member (P&V) and had detailed discussions with the Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries of Ad.IIA/IIIA/IIIB/IV on the following issues:-
(i)                 Relaxation in the existing RR.
(ii)               Framing of new RR.
(iii)              Promotion to CAO.
(iv)              Relaxation in the RR of AO.
(v)               Amendment in the RR of TA.
We have also submitted several representations which are linked with the message.
(i)   Relaxation in the existing RR:
The Association appreciates the cry of our members for relaxation in various form in the RR of Inspector for facilitations of promotions. But the unfortunate part is that replies to Board’s letter dated 09.02.2015 is wanting from many zones even after two and half months.  Basic data about availabilities of vacancies and proposals from the Chief Commissioners were called for.  In absence of the same, the proposals from the Board could not be firmed up.  It is expected that a reminder letter will be issued shortly and the zonal leaders make it a point to pursue with their zonal administration to send the desired report to the Board at the earliest.

It is also to be kept in mind that DoPT is not inclined to provide any relief in the old RR since the new one is already under consideration.  We need to get our act together to impress the Authority in this regard.  I hope the leadership will discuss the issue at length and take a call in the coming All India convention at Hyderabad to be held on 16.05.2015 (Saturday).

This Association requested to consider the following relaxations vide our submissions dated 23.04.2015 (CLICK HERE TO SEE):

(a) Relaxation in age and height restriction.
(b) Reduction in the length of qualifying service under the provision of clause 12 (c) from the present 10 years of regular service in the grade of TA to 05 years.
(c) Relaxation in the length of regular service of Senior Tax Assistant (STA) from 02 years to 01 year under clause 12 (b), having total service of 05 years including the service in the grade of Tax Assistant.
(ii)   Framing of new RR:
The RR of Inspector, Executive Assistant (EA) and Stenographer Grade-I are under active consideration at various levels.  We believe that some relief can only be provided if the “Retention Clause” is incorporated in the new RR.  These, we have been pursuing for quite some time.  However DoPT has to agree for that.  We have submitted yet another representation on the said subject (CLICK HERE TO SEE) and also discussed with the concerned officers.  I think that there is no room for complacency and the Hyderabad convention should deliberate the ways and means to achieve the same being of so much of vital importance for the future of the cadre.
(iii)   Promotion to CAO:
Despite our best efforts all necessary records are yet to be received by the Board as on 24.04.2015.   Some information are still wanting for 11 officers (CLICK HERE TO SEE Page-1 &Page-2).  Our Comrades from West Bengal, Delhi and Hyderabad zone have come forward to pursue the issue.  It is not possible to give any tentative deadline at this stage.   However the best efforts are on.
(iv)  Relaxation in the RR of AO:
      Board’s communication dated 15.04.2015 regarding re-designation of posts of Deputy Office Superintendent (DOS) and Senior Tax Assistant (STA) has created a great deal of confusion in various zones.  Decision of the government to re-designate such posts was taken in December, 2013.  It is not clear as to what prompted the Board to convey the said decision after one and half years, since it was initially conveyed on 18.12.2013.  Issue was appropriately taken up (CLICK HERE TO SEE).  It was pointed out that such re-designated post of Executive Assistant (EA) will only take effect from the date of notification of new RR.  It was also requested to fill up the vacant posts of Administrative Officer (AO) by relaxing the existing RR of AO.  The detail exercise is required to stake a stronger claim on the subject.
      I request All India Zonal leaders to provide the following information through mail at my E-mail Id  –

Name of Zone
No. of vacancies in the grade of A.O. as on 01.04.15
No. of DOS having completed 05 years of regular service as on 01.04.15
No. of DOS having completed 04 years of regular service as on 01.04.15
No. of DOS having completed 03 years of regular service as on 01.04.15

Also, requested to come to Hyderabad convention along with the above data.
(v)   Amendment in the RR of TA:
      We have also followed up the desired amendment in the RR of TA (CLICK HERE TO SEE 1st Letter & 2nd Letter).

7th CPC

          As you aware that we have already given submission to 7th CPC.  We visited the office of 7th CPC in person and sought an appointment with them.  We also submitted the hard copy of our representation and met the officials.  It was assumed that appointment will be given to us with the Commission in their good office where sufficient time will be provided.

        May I request our members to come and deliberate at Hyderabad at length, so that we can take up all the issues appropriately before 7th CPC.

       Before I conclude this message I once again request the representatives of all the zones to attend the Hyderabad convention scheduled on 16th May, 2015.  Kindly keep in touch with the following Comrades:

                    G. Samdani Khan           - Mob. No. 09441695866
                    Shri V Gurukumar         - Mob. No. 09848047782                   

                    Thanking you,
Yours Comradely,

(Ashim Pramanick)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Goods and Services Tax (GST) moved in the Lok Sabha

Source : The Hindu
The GST Council will consist of the Union Finance Minister (as Chairman), the Union Minister of State in charge of revenue or Finance, and the Minister in charge of Finance or Taxation or any other, nominated by each State government.

The Bill’s enactment would lead to a "win-win" situation for both the Center and the states: Arun Jaitley.
The Modi government’s attempt to secure parliamentary approval for the long-pending Goods and Services Tax regime, a key reform measure, hit its first roadblock on Friday within minutes of Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley moving it for consideration in the Lok Sabha.
Impervious to Mr Jaitley’s plea that the Bill’s enactment would lead to a “win-win” situation for both the Centre and the states, increase the country’s GDP and its revenues, opposition MPs belonging to the Congress, the Trinamool Congress, the Left Parties and the Nationalist Congress Party, led by Sonia Gandhi, walked out in protest against the government’s refusal to send it to a Standing Committee.
The AIADMK and the Biju Janata Dal, too, opposed the consideration but did not join the walkout. AIADMK leader and Deputy Speaker M Thambidurai said that if implemented in its present form, the Bill would result in Tamil Nadu losing as much as Rs 16,000 crores, a contention contested by the Finance Minister.
More time sought to study GST Bill
The Union government had been banking on the Congress for help to pass the Goods and Services Tax Bill in both Houses of Parliament. Since this key reform measure comes in the form of a Constitution Amendment Bill, it requires two-thirds support, making the backing of the Congress all the more critical.
Urging the Congress to support the Bill, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley stressed, “The UPA must start supporting legislation that it itself introduced … You should be happy that the good work which was done by your government, I’m accepting that, complimenting you and taking it forward.”
However, the Congress is unwilling to support this version of the Bill as it differs from the one that the UPA government had drafted, a point that M. Veerappa Moily of the party made.
Opposition MPs, alleging that the government was “bulldozing” them and bringing the Bill in a “hush-hush” manner, sought more time to study the “new” legislation. Meanwhile, they said, Parliament could complete the financial business for which the Budget Session was intended.
Mr. Jaitley assured the Opposition of all cooperation from the government to complete the business of demands for grants of various Ministries before the Guillotine is applied on April 28.
After an hour of heated exchanges over procedure between the government and the Opposition, the Bill was taken up after Speaker Sumitra Mahajan ruled that it was an important piece of legislation on which the Finance Minister could make introductory comments, with a discussion at a later date.
In his introductory remarks, Mr. Jaitley sought to assuage fears of the States that they would suffer revenue losses once the GST was implemented, saying the Centre and the States would have concurrent powers to levy tax on goods and services.
Stressing that when the value-added tax (VAT) was introduced, the States had demanded compensation for more than five years, he said not a single State asked for compensation in the sixth year.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Dear Comrades,

I am proceeding to Delhi on 21.04.2015.  I have sought appointment with Board Chairman, Member (P&V), Joint Secretary (Admin.), CBEC, Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary (Ad.IIA/B & Ad.IIIA/B) during the period of my stay at Delhi on 22.04.15, 23.04.15 & 24.04.15 to discuss various agenda points, like Relaxation in RRs, CAO DPC etc.

I request that any zonal leader  or  members from the zone come and join me there as per scheduled programme above.

Yours Comradely,

(Ashim Pramanick)