Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Dear Comrade,

                        By now, you have come to terms with the various aspects of the Cadre Restructuring plan and its probable impact both at the national level and zonal level.  Facts are out and we can sense the impact on our Cadre.  There has been no relief for the dwindling administrative wing.  No new posts with higher Grade Pay has been introduced, despite our relentless efforts over the years.  On the contrary, the supervisory posts of DOS has been clubbed with STA to form a new post called Executive Assistant (EA) with no change of Grade Pay.  We will continue to voice our descent and persist with our struggle in different fora to restore the lost gravity and hierarchical structure with commensurating pay.  Meanwhile we have submitted our Memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission which you might have seen in our earlier message.  Board will continuously be perused in the future also.  Such persuasion will also be carried out in different judicial fora.

            Now the focus is obviously on the numbers those are created in different zones.  We know that the members are busy in working out Arithmetics and Statistical Probabilities, off course for the good reasons.  We all look for a better service career and brighter promotional opportunity.  Promotions to Inspector and other ministerial grades will start happening very shortly.  Board will fix a deadline and try to create a height about it to ensure smooth implementation of Cadre Restructuring plan.  Meanwhile a meeting has been conveyed on 27.08.2014 with all CCAs to discuss the promotions in Grpup-B and Group-C posts in the wake of Cadre Restructuring.  However, the crux lies with the fact that in most zones there are not sufficient eligible officers for promotions to Inspector.  At the same time Board is not willing to relax the recruitment Rule, at least in the first instance, as we have been told during our meeting with the Chairperson on 16.07.2014.  On the flip-side, the noise of amendment/framing of the Recruitment Rules of our ministerial grades and that of Inspector is also pretty much loud.  This process was initiated some time back.  We had met the B.K. Bansal Committee and tendered our submissions more than one time.  Our moot emphasis has been to retain the length of qualifying service of the existing employees even in the new Recruitment Rule by invoking the DoP&T’s guidelines.  This is expected to protect the existing employees from loosing their opportunities to get promotion in time, particularly in view of creation of new posts in the Cadre Restructuring.  Board’s response has not been fully clear to us except the fact that it was assured that all the posts will be filled up on the basis of existing Recruitment Rule wherever possible.  We need to work in this area relating to relaxation of Recruitment Rule and framing of new Recruitment Rule.

            I have no words, to convey solace to our senior members who are retiring without getting their due promotions to Chief Accounts Officer (CAO).  One would hardly believe the kind of efforts that we are putting into get the DPC done.  I am compelled to say that response from some of the zones in sending the requisite documents, have not been very encouraging despite several oral persuasions.  Presently the proposal for DPC for 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 is with UPSC and we are expecting some date of the DPC shortly.  We are also requesting the Board to initiate action for the next DPC (Click here to see the submission dated 18.08.2014).

            Comrades, the work on hand is colossal but the work force is a depleted one.  Our good friend and very good servant to the organization Shri J. Sudharsan has been promoted to Inspector in the recent past.  He has been providing great service to the Association over the past few years which will no longer be available now.  This has already created a vacuum.  However, I have already advised him to carry on the work, pertaining to Supreme Court case on Seniority as no one else will be best-suited for the job at the moment.  Other zonal leaders are also expected to get elevation in the service, resulting further gap in the Association.  Thus the need of the hour is to revamp the Association.  I therefore, appeal to all the zonal leaders stationed in various parts of the country to come forward and join hands to work for the well being of the Cadre.  Further course of action on the organizational front will be conveyed in due course.
                                                                         Comradely Yours


(Ashim Pramanick)

Friday, August 1, 2014


Dear Comrades,

The Final Submission made before the Secretary, 7th Pay Commission on behalf of our All India Ministerial Officers' Association is posted below for our members perusal.

Thanking You
Comradely Yours

Ashim Pramanik