Sunday, January 26, 2014

Final All India Seniority of Administrative Officers

Dear Comrades,

The Final All India Seniority of Administrative Officers (Central Excise & Directorates) for the period upto 31.12.2008 has been finally published by the DGHRD (CBEC) on 23.01.2014.  

(Click here to view the Seniority list).

It is informed that the DPC to the grade of Chief Accounts Officer will be conducted on the basis of the final seniority published on 23.01.2014.  Due to the consistent efforts and pressure put down by the All India Federation the zone of consideration list for promotion to the grade of CAO was issued by the Board office and the same was placed on our blog in our previous posting.

It is once again stressed that all our National/Zonal/Regional leaders to take up the issue before the concerned Cadre Controlling Authorities of their respective zones and ensure that the Vigilance Clearance, CCR Dossiers, Penalty Imposed if any statement and other requisite particulars sought by the board may reach in time, thus we can ensure that none of the Administrative Officers will retire without getting their promotion which is due for them. 

The undersigned and the All India President along with some of the regional leaders are scheduled to meet the Committees Chairperson/members constituted for implementation of the Cadre-restructure during our visit to the capital on 27/28/29 of January’2014 to discuss the issues pertaining to our Ministerial cadre.

Regarding the Seniority Case pending in the Supreme Court of India the matter was listed on 23.01.2014.  Since the Department has asked for an adjournment for 2 weeks the matter was posted for hearing on 5th February’2014. 

I want to remember all our comrades that united we stand, divided we fall.   

Let us be vigilant at least now and put a brave front against our opponents.


Comradely yours
       Sudharsan J                   Asim Pramanik
Secretary General                  President

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Dear Comrades

The Cadre Restructuring has been the most-discussed and talked-about issue in 2014, so far. The landscape does not seem to have developed much since the initial circulation was made on 18.12.13. We have already conveyed the primary reaction of this association through our New Year message.

In order to get a further insight of what’s going on, on this front, we are visiting Delhi on 27/28/29 January, 2014. We will be meeting senior officers and stake our claim on various issues. Of course, as we have already expressed, that there is no reason to be euphoric and hysteric about the prospect of our Cadre in the aftermath of this Cadre Restructuring. We shall strive to achieve whatever, bits, on offer. At the same time we shall continue to pursue our basic demand on reorganization of the administrative wing (explained in our previous message).

Here it may be appreciated that various relaxation  for promotion to Inspectors and others  Gr.C posts those may be required at various zone, would only be relevant after finalization of commissionerates in each zone and allocation of post in Gr.B and Gr.C level. However, we shall register our strong demand on the basis of enshrined principle of career advancement of our cadre on par with other cadres. The dispensation granted in the earlier Cadre Re-structuring, will again be sought this time also.

Meanwhile Board has issued a letter on 15.01.2014 (click here to view) seeking APAR/ACR/VC/IC of 345 Administrative Officers (AO) for promotion to CAO, created in last Cadre Restructuring. The zone of consideration list is also been circulated (click here to view).  Since this also cover DPC of the past years, names of some retired officers will also be considered notionally. However, promotion order will not be issued for any officers who have retired on the date of issue of promotion order.

Thus no benefit will accrue to retired officers. This is very unfortunate the seniors A.O are retiring without getting their due promotion to CAO, despite availability of vacancy.

Here it may be kept in mind that names of some of the retired officers have not been included in the consideration zone even for notional consideration. They have retired even before the date on which their names get covered in the zone of consideration in a particular past year with reference to the zone of vacancy of such years. There is no point on disputing this fact as these officers would not have been promoted even if the DPC was held in time as they were not in the consideration zone. In any case the retired officers are not going to get real promotion.

Thus we should speed up our work at the zonal level and summon our all energy to send the desired Vigilance Certificate /Integrity Certificate etc from the respective zones to the board office.

On the question of promotion to A.O after the new Recruitment Rule, we will pursue this issue during our next visit.

Comradely Yours
        Sudharsan J                  Asim Pramanik
  Secretary General                 President

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Dear Comrade,

                We wish a very happy, prosperous and meaningful New Year 2014 which can be very significant in your service career.  Now the Cadre Restructuring of the department has been approved and we wish that you all have come to terms with the consequences and the impacts of the Cadre Re-organization of the department, 2013.  To the best of our understanding, it is even more lopsided than we expected.  The benefits are not equally distributed among various cadres.  The ministerial Cadre has once again been subjected to discrimination and neglect.

                We have been striving for a new hierarchy in the administrative setup of the department, ever since the process for Cadre Restructuring was initiated.  We have stressed this very demand on various occasions and even through joint action committee with other ministerial Associations of Customs.  Our demand has been to create the following hierarchy instead of present structure of CAO, AO & DOS:-

(i)  Principal Administrative Officer   -    GP Rs.6600/- (PB-3)
(ii) Administrative Officer Grade-I    -     GP Rs.5400/- (PB-3)
(iii)Administrative Officer Grade-II  -     GP Rs.4800/- (PB-2)
(iv)Administrative Officer Grade-III -     GP Rs.4600/- (PB-2)

We thought that this would have provided some encouragement for ministerial officers to continue with the ministerial cadre.  The Administrative setup would have also been strengthen and the problem of Grade Pay would have been solved.

We have been told that the Cadre Restructuring was not to solve the Grade Pay issue or create new posts.  It was aimed at increasing or reducing the strength in various posts.  However, the outcome is for everyone to see.  We strongly feel that the same yard stick has not been applied to us as it is done for other cadres.
The Association has immediately reacted after circulation of the approved Cadre Restructuring proposal on 18.12.2013 (Representation is linked herewith-Annexure-A letter dated 24.12.13).  We continue to strive for existence of ministerial cadre.
As you would have seen that there has been an addition of strength of 194 in CAO AND 616 IN AO.  This is expected to result in some upward mobility.  However, for that to happen, DPC for promotion to the grade of CAO has to be held in time.  We found that 5 Sub-committees have been constituted by the Board to conduct DPCs for different Group-A posts vide the communication of Board dated 28.11.2013.  

However, unfortunately no Sub-committee was formed to conduct the DPC for CAO which is also a Group-A post.  We immediately took up the issue (representation is linked-Annexure-B letter dated 06.12.13) and subsequently the Sub-Committee No.1 has been entrusted to conduct the DPC for CAO.  We are thankful for Board for taking such decision.

The promotion to Inspector has always been a key area of interest for the ministerial posts at the level of TA & STA.  Although there is an addition of 5040 posts in Inspectors, but no further relaxation has been granted, unlike the earlier Cadre Restructuring.  The Association also took up this issue with the concerned committee looking after the Recruitment Rule and sought the following relaxation (representation is linked-Annexure-C letter dated 17.12.13).

(i)   Lowering of qualifying service from 2 years of STA to one year of STA.
(ii)  Removal of age bar and height bar.
(iii) 100% promotion against all vacancies arising out of Cadre Restructuring.

There is no denying the fact that there is some element of positive reaction among some members of some zones with merger of posts of DOS & STA and creation of Executive Assistant.  There has been some solace in some zones where the Tax Assistants are crying for promotion to STA by taking into account the vacancies in the grade of DOS.  But merger of a supervisory post is definitely a down gradation for the ministerial cadre and it will further slide towards a state of depression unless something in very seriously done towards our proposal for new hierarchy.  This federation will continue to strive and we hope that Board will realize that decimation of the ministerial posts and the administrative wing is contrary to the interest of the department.

This Association is alive to all the issues which need to be addressed immediately.  We are also in touch with likeminded Association to move jointly.  Persuasion will be made with the concerned Sub-committees to maximize the benefits and extract more from the Cadre Restructuring.  We request you all to remain in touch and work together to achieve a better 2014 with whatever means we possess.  

Once again wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year 2014.

                          Comradely yours
   Sudharsan J                                      Ashim Pramanik
Secretary General                                    President