Thursday, December 19, 2013


Dear Comrades,

The Cadre-restructure and Re-organization of the field formations under C.B.E.C has been notified today i.e. on 18.12.2013.  For Details click the link below.

A detailed message will be posted at the earliest.

Comradely yours
Sudharsan J
Secretary General

Monday, December 2, 2013


Dear Comrades,
            Kindly find the All India Seniority List of Administrative Officers updated upto 31.12.2008, (click here to view) after making all necessary modifications as required to process the promotion for the post of Chief Accounts Officer.  Kindly give a wide circulation of the list among the Administrative Officers and invite their representations, if any.  Send them to DGHRD within the stipulated time.  Otherwise send a no objection certificate from your Zonal Chief Commissioner, if representation/objection is received.

            Kindly note that the next promotion for CAO can only take place once this list is finalized and reported as free from any objection.  The Annual DPC 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 (upto 08th Aug, 2013) will be held by drawing eligibility list, prepared on the basis of this Seniority List.
            The work is presently underway.  All the zones are required to be pro-active and responsive to get the DPC done as early as possible.  Otherwise we have to blame ourselves for the delay.
            The new Recruitment Rule of CAO has been issued on 08th August of 2013.  Therefore the promotion after that date will be on the basis of the new RR.  There also the Seniority List will be also of vital importance.  The expected increase in the strength of CAO can be filled up by promotion on the basis of this Seniority List as per new RR.
            As far as regularization of Ad-hoc promotion in the aftermath of new RR of Administrative Officer on 03.102013, this Association has taken necessary steps.  Board is being regularly pursued.  
On Cadre Restructuring, we suggest to be little patient till the last minute.  We are working tirelessly to derive maximum benefit for our cadres. 
            Remain vigilant and alive. 
     Sudharsan                                    Ashim Pramanick
Secretary General                                  President