Sunday, July 28, 2013

President's visit to New Delhi on 17.07.2013 and 18.07.2013

Visit to New Delhi on 17.07.2013 and 18.07.2013

          Dear Comrades,

Following the visit of the Secretary General during the week from 08.07.2013 to 12.07.2013, I also visited Delhi to follow-up various issues, concerning our Cadre.  Although, the promotion order of Chief Accounts Officer was issued on 28.06.2013 after a long wait, it was a case of “too little, too late”.  This Association fully shares the sense of frustration, prevailing among the seniors Administrative Officers, who could not find their luck in this promotion order.  As a natural consequence this Association gives top most priority to ensure that the next DPC (upto 2013-14) is held at the earliest.  At the same time our await for Recruitment Rule of Administrative Officer and higher Grade Pay was still not over.  Different zones were also reporting several complications in the matter of promotion to Inspector.


     With the above background, I, along with Comrades of Hyderabad, Delhi and Kolkata, visited Delhi on 17.07.2013.  We pursued rigorously at HRD to ensure the All- India Seniority list of Administrative Officers as on 01.01.2010 and 01.04.2010 is prepared quickly.  We coordinated with different zones.  By the time we left Delhi, reports were pending only from a few zones which are also expected shortly.  I appeal to All the Administrative Officers to be little conscious and alive when it comes to sending reports to Board on our issues.  For any difficulty, kindly contact us. 

        The Recruitment Rules of Administrative officers and Chief Accounts Officer have been approved by DoPT, UPSC and Law Ministry.  Even the translation part is over. However, the notification is pending for 3 weeks or so for procedural reasons.  Even, the file on up-gradation of Pay of Administrative Officer, appears to have not been sent to Department of Expenditure which was discussed with Member (P&V) on 15.05.2013.  We tried our bit and submitted fresh representation on this front.

       On 18th, we met Joint Secretary (Admin.) and conveyed our concerns and demands on all the above issues.  He assured early action on the part of Board.  Problems with promotions for Inspector, being experienced by zones like Bangalore/Chennai etc.  were also discussed.  He assured a suitable clarification to zones.

          On Cadre Restructuring front it is gathered that the meeting of the committee of Secretary is yet to take place.  However, the same is now expected to take place shortly.  There is of course no reason to be over enthusiastic with ongoing Cadre Restructuring proposal as some more reduction of proposed strength may again take place before it reaches to Cabinet.  The expected benefits of our cadre does not appear to be clear to us.  We have to wait and do the needful at appropriate time.

          I wish to take this opportunity to convey the deep commitment of this Association to strive relentlessly for well-beings of our members with due weightage to our senior colleagues.  We can only succeed within a time frame, if our colleagues at the zonal level become a little bit proactive and responsive.

          With regards.
(Ashim Pramanick)


Friday, July 19, 2013


Dear Comrades,

The undersigned along with the All India Office bearers and Zonal leaders from Nagpur, Madurai visited New Delhi to attend the Seniority Case in the Hon'ble Supreme Court. The office bearers also met the top officials of CBEC to take stock of the latest position on Recruitment Rules for the post of Inspector, Administrative Officer and Chief Accounts Officer.
The Office-bearers also met Deputy Secretary as well as Under Secretary AD-IIA and insisted that the next phase of DPCs to the grade of CAO i.e. for the year 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 may be conducted at the earliest.  The Board has made some initiatives in this regard on our request.
A letter was submitted to Hon’ble Member(P&V) and Joint Secretary (Admn.) to dispense with the height criteria for the post of Inspectors.
Comradely yours
Sudharsan J

Secretary General