Sunday, June 30, 2013

Promotion & Posting Order in respect of CAO.

Dear Comrades,

Please find attachment, copy of the Promotion and Posting Order to the grade of Chief Accounts Officer dated 28th June 2013.

Click here to View the order

Our All India Association wishes all the officers who have been promoted as CAO.

Comradely Yours
Sudharsan J
Secretary General

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Promotion to the grade of CAO

Dear Members,
Our association is glad to inform you that at last the DPC for promotion to the grade of Chief Accounts Officer for the years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 had taken place at Mumbai today i.e. on 22.06.2013 (Saturday). 
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Hon’ble Member (P&V) Smt. Shobha L. Chary.  Without her consistent efforts and persuasion this DPC would not have taken place.  We also extend our earnest gratitude to the people who are working in AD IIA section in our board office for convening this DPC.
Moreover, this association expresses its heartfelt wishes to all its former and present office-bearers for putting maximum efforts who were working tirelessly all these years without losing hope and confidence for convening the CAO DPC. 
We also understand that around 30 serving Administrative Officers in the department will get promoted as Chief Accounts Officer in this DPC.  We wish them all success.  We are expecting that the promotion orders will be issued at the earliest.
The Recruitment Rules for the post of Administrative Officers and Chief Accounts Officer will be notified shortly as the Hindi translation is over.  Now the Recruitment Rules will be sent for publication which is expected next week.
We would like to stress the fact that because of the continuous efforts of the association at last now we are able to taste the success.  We request our zonal leaders/members to be grateful to the association and carry out the organizational activities with utmost sincerity for the welfare of our Ministerial cadre.  We also assure our members that more successful news to the members is around the corner.

Comradely Yours,
Sudharsan J
Secretary General

Monday, June 3, 2013

Minutes of the Meeting with Member (P&V)

Dear Comrades,

In continuation to our previous post on our blog, we are placing below the official minutes of the Meeting with Member (P&V) on 15.05.2013 for information.

Comradely yours,
Sudharsan J
Secretary General