Monday, January 14, 2013

Minutes of the Central Executive Committee Meeting Hyderabad

Dear Comrades,

Season Greetings from All India Central Excise and Service Tax Ministerial Officers’ Association.

The Central Executive Committee meeting took place at Hyderabad on 10.01.2013 on the sidelines of General Body Meeting of Central Excise and Service Tax Ministerial Officers’ Association, Hyderabad Unit at Hyderabad Central Excise Office, Basheer bagh.

The meeting was chaired by the undersigned, attended by All India President Shri. Ashim Pramanik, Shri. Deepak Pal, Organizing Secretary, Shri. Gedam, Central Zone Secretary, and leaders from various zones/units like Bhubaneshwar, Tamil Nadu, Kolkatta, Andhra Pradesh, Nagpur, Indore and other places. Members from Hyderabad Commissionerate participated in large numbers. The Association expresses its sincere gratitude to our former Organizing Secretary Smt. Nageshwari, Shri. Ramakrishna A.O., Shri. Samdhani Khan, General Secretary and Shri. Susheel for organizing the meeting in a grand manner. 
From left to right  (Shri. Ramakrishna, AO, Shri. Sudharsan Secretary. General., Shri. Ashim Pramanik, President, Shri. Deepak Pal, Organizing Secy. Smt. Nageshwari, Former Organizing Secy.  Shri. Samdhani Khan, Genl. Secy. Hyderabad)

The Meeting Started at around 4.30 pm and lasted till 8 pm. Various queries relating to CAO Dpc, AO Promotion, AO/DOS Grade pay issue, Recruitment Rules to the grade of Inspector, Seniority Case at Supreme Court and other vital issues posted by the members were addressed by the President and the undersigned and assured that these issues are being given top priority by the federation for early solution.

The overwhelming response and huge participation of members from the Hyderabad Commissionerate and Vishakapattnam showed their patronage towards Association.

In the mean while, a meeting was convened by the Hon’ble Member (P&V) at New Delhi with Joint Action Committee leaders on 10.01.2013. This Association was unable to participate in the said meeting since our central executive committee meeting at Hyderabad was already fixed on the same day. This Association was informed by the leaders of the JAC that the outcome of the meeting with Hon’ble Member was fruitful. The issues raised by our All India Association relating to CAO DPC, AO Promotion, AO/DOS Grade pay issue, Recruitment Rules to the grade of Inspector, were once again raised during the said meeting. The Member (P&V) has assured that CAO DPC will be given top priority and efforts will be taken to convene the DPC before this month end. On DOS to AO promotion, the Member (P&V) has assured that the AO Recruitment Rules file was already sent to DoP&T and once the draft RR is approved by the DoP&T, necessary instructions will be given to the CCAs to convene DPC to the grade of Administrative Officers.

The Member (P&V) has also assured that the structure on par with CBDT with corresponding grade pays as demanded by our federation during our 6thNovember’2012 and 30th November’2012 meeting will be dealt in a new separate file and will be submitted to DoP&T at the earliest.

Comrades, you are all aware of the fact that the Seniority case in the Hon’ble Supreme Court is coming up for final hearing on 5th February 2013. Support from some of the zones (west/north) is not on the expected lines. Leaders in these zones are trying hard to impress upon our members by enumerating the benefits on positive outcome of the case, which we can enjoy right from last Cadre-restructure. I take this opportunity to solicit the support from our members / former members, leaders/former leaders throughout the country to come forward and put a strong movement to face the challenges ahead. My earnest appeal to all our members/leaders to support the federation in all possible ways, morally as well as monetarily, to ensure success in our legal battle.

Before concluding, I would like to mention a famous quote from Bhagvat Gita …

“If you do not fight for what you want, then do not cry for what you lost…”

Comrades let us give our best and leave the results to God Almighty.
Comradely yours

Sudharsan J
Secretary General

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Dear Comrades,
The All India Central Excise & Service Tax Ministerial Officers' Association wishes all its Members, Office-bearers, National / Zonal leaders, and National / Zonal leaders of all its Sister Federations / Associations and its Members functioning under C.B.E.C and to all the Officers working under C.B.E.C a Bright, Cheerful and Prosperous New Year 2013. 
Comradely Yours
Sudharsan J
Secretary General