Monday, December 24, 2012

Central Executive Committee Meeting at Hyderabad

Chennai, the 24th December, 2012


All the National / Zonal Representatives

Dear Comrades,

Sub:- All India Central Executive Committee Meeting on 10.01.2013 at Hyderabad - Reg.

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The All India Central Executive Committee is scheduled to meet at Hyderabad on 10.01.2013 to discuss various vital issues.  The  National leaders / Zonal Leaders are requested to attend the meeting without fail.  Office-bearers  / Zonal leaders are requested to contact Smt. Nageshwari, former Organizing Secretary, 09441887010 for accommodation arrangements and venue details.

Comradely yours
Sudharsan J
Secretary General



Sunday, December 2, 2012

Delhi visit on 29.11.12 & 30.11.12


Dear Comrades,

I had to schedule an urgent Delhi visit for the above two days mainly to engage/ brief our advocates for the Early Hearing Application (Seniority case) which was listed before the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India on 30.11.12. Shri.A.J.Stanley (Treasurer) had accompanied me from Chennai and Shri.Deepak Pal, Organizing Secretary and Shri. Hari Ohm Pandit, veteran leader, central zone joined with us from Indore. All of you may be aware that the Hon’ble High Court of Madras had given an excellent judgement in our favour in the seniority case on 13.04.2007. Implementation of the judgement at that stage would have done a world of good to the ministerial officers in the department. However, inspite of concurrent judgements in CAT, Madras Bench as well as High Court of Madras, an appeal was preferred by the Board at the Apex Court. The case was admitted as Civil Appeal and got numbered as 2491 of 2010. Since then, the case is pending in the Supreme Court. Going by the present number of pending cases, our case would have come up only after 2016-17. Therefore, Early Hearing Application was filed immediately during July'2010 in the Hon’ble Supreme Court, which was listed on 30.11.12. I am glad to inform that the Hon’ble Judges were pleased to allow the early hearing and posted the case for final hearing during February 2013.

The above case is a matter of life for thousands of ministerial officers who had lost almost a decade for a fault made by the Board during the previous restructure. It is imperative for us to come together at this stage and show the strength of unity. Our Association requires complete support of all the concerned members in every manner, particularly financially, so that we can focus only on the case without any hindrance. I hope my message has reached you clearly.

During the Delhi visit, I met Hon’ble Member (P&V) and the Hon’ble ADG (HRM) and senior Board officials with regard to our pending issues.

CAO DPC : It is learnt that the Board is yet to receive the required documents from various CCAs for conducting CAO DPC. The list will be published in our blog at the earliest. I request all the concerned unit Secretaries as well as the members to pay personal attention and ensure that the ACRs/documents/profoma reach the Board office (DGHRD) at the earliest. Once the large numbers of CAO vacancies are filled, it will have cascading effect resulting in promotions till TA/LDC grades.

AO DPC : The Association had again represented for issuing a clarification regarding AO DPC, so that the promotions are ordered in all the Zones. Hopefully, some action will be forthcoming on the part of the Board soon.

AO & DOS Grade Pay : Things are moving quite positively at the Board office as far as this issue is concerned. The matter requires continuous persuasion once the file reaches the other wings such as DoE/DOP&T, etc. , so that justice is done to the officers working in the grades of DOS & AO.

Amendment of Inspector RRs : A representation was submitted to the Board for protection of the existing employees in case of change in the qualifying service for promotion to the grade of Inspector. The Association’s idea was received positively by the senior Board officials and assured of necessary action in this regard.

I am personally happy that certain issues are moving in the positive direction and I am glad that the long pending seniority case is coming to an end soon. I am very sure that we will be able to present the case effectively in the Hon’ble Supreme Court and win the case. All I require is the support of the members and I am confident of getting the same.

Comradely Yours
Sudharsan J
Secretary General