Monday, November 19, 2012

JAC agitational programme

Dear Comrades,

Being the constituent member of the Joint Action Council, All India Central Excise & Service Tax Ministerial Officers' Association has decided to observe Lunch hour demonstration on 19th and 23rd of November 2012 after consulting with our All India Association leaders. 

Right from CAO to various lower grades in our ministerial cadre, promotions are not taking place.  Board itself is not taking the issue very seriously as the DPC for CAO promotion have not taken place for years, inspite of this Associations repeated representations and follow ups. Further, DPCs to the grade of AO is yet to take place in many Cadre Controlling Zones where the  CCAs are expecting a clarification from the Board, which is pending for quite some time.  

Though this Association has strongly objected to the proposed amendment of increase in the qualifying service in RRs for the post of Inspector, the Board is yet to take concrete action in this regard.

Similarly, many other issues raised by this Associations on various occasions are consistently neglected or due attention is not given by the Board.  

The constituent members of the JAC are also aggrieved by the inaction of the Board on the charter of the JAC demands.

Hence, it is imperative to participate in the protests called for by JAC and make it a success to draw the attention of the Board.

J. Sudharsan
Secretary General

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Minutes of the Meeting with Member (P&V) on 06.11.12

Dear Comrades,
At the outset, on behalf of the All India Central Excise & Service Tax Ministerial Officers' Association, I wish all our office bearers, National/Zonal leaders, members, and the leaders/members of other sister Associations functioning under CBEC, A VERY HAPPY DIWALI
The office bearers of our All India Association including me and President Mr.Aashim Pramanick and leaders from some zones met at Delhi on 5th November 2012. The leaders met the ADG (HRM) at Rajendra Place, New Delhi around 3pm and discussed all the issues we have raised on several occasions. The meeting lasted for more than 1 hour and respected Ms.Renu Jagdev, ADG(HRM) was very responsive and kind enough to listen to all our genuine grievances raised during the meeting. 
On 6th November, our All India Association office bearers met the Hon’ble Member (P&V). She gave a patient hearing to all our issues. She assured that the DPC for promotion to the grade of CAO will be given top priority by DGHRD and the process will be completed at the earliest. Unfortunately the CCR reports and Service books of many AOs are yet to reach from many places. We have pointed out that the field formations were asked to send these before 1st of November 2012 and insisted that a remainder needs to be sent to expedite the issue. Going by the assurances of the officers, I am hopeful that the CAO promotions can be expected at an early date.
Regarding the proposed merger of DOS & STA, the Hon’ble Member (P&V) informed that due to strong protest from our Association the Board is not keen to go ahead with the proposal. During the last week of October a Board meeting had taken place and Member(P&V) has objected strongly not to merge these posts and has insisted that the department needs to maintain DOS and STA as separate entities. Based on our submissions/objections on this issue, the CBEC had taken up the matter before the Department of Expenditure more than once . However,the same was rejected by them. We have informed the Hon’ble Member (P&V) that the implementation of Hon'ble CAT, Kolkatta order on Grade Pay issue only will settle the issue. A detailed submission was prepared and submitted to DGHRD and the Hon’ble Member(P&V) on the above issue (Click to view).

Further, the Association raised the issue related to DPCs to the grade of Administrative Officer . We have informed the Hon’ble Member (P&V) that various zones, including the CCA, Delhi which is right under the nose of our board office had conducted regular DPCs for promotion to the grade of A.O. DPCs were also conducted in Kolkatta, Jaipur, Indore and many other places. However, unfortunately Chief Commissioners in many places are hesitant to conduct DPC against the board's letter dated 24.06.2012.  We pointed out these facts and also informed the Hon’ble Member (P&V) that the issue was wrongly interpreted as adhoc appointment instead of adhoc promotion against regular vacancies before DoPT. The Association insisted that the field formations may be informed suitably to conduct the DPC at the earliest atleast on adhoc basis as it was done right from 2008 onwards. We requested that the issue related to regularization of Adhoc AOs may also be taken up with DoPT in appropriate manner and make amendments in the A.O. Recruitment Rules as suggested by the Association may be incorporated to solve the problem. (Click to view).
Regarding the amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Inspector, this association was informed that the file was already sent to DoPT for finalization. The qualifying service for promotion to the grade of  Inspector will be 5 years for STA or 15 years of  combined service of TA and STA (together). Our Association determinedly objected to the amendment and demanded that suitable clauses may be incorporated to count the past service of ministerial officers as available in the existing RR. The ADG (HRM) and the Member (P&V) were provided with the DoPT guidelines in which it is clearly mentioned that the past service needs to be included. Our Association was assured by the ADG (HRM) if the RR file comes back from the DoPT necessary action will be taken to include suitable clauses to count the past service rendered by the Ministerial cadre. We have taken up this issue with DoPT and  letters in this regard were submitted to Shri. Narayanasamy, Hon'ble Minister of State, DoPT,  the Secretary DoPT and the Joint Secretary, DoPT. The office bearers met the under secretary Shri. R.R. Singh, DoPT and apprised the issue in detail. (Click to view ).
During the course of meeting the Association also raised the issue of non-implementation of the Hon'ble Andhra Pradesh High Court's order in some of the CCAs and demanded that a compliance report be obtained from the field formations immediately to ensure that the Court’s order is implemented throughout the CBEC. 
The issue related to stalled DPCs in Central Zone was taken up before the Hon'ble Member and informed that due to wrong interpretation of Hon'ble Jabalpur Bench order, the Chief Commissioner, Nagpur Zone is not conducting the DPC to the grade of TA to STA and insisted that necessary instructions be issued to conduct the DPC at the earliest.
On the Seniority case issue our Association has requested the Hon’ble Member to give necessary instructions to file an early hearing petition before the Hon'ble Supreme Court and settle the pending issue before the ensuing cadre-restructure. A submission was made in this regard (Click to view)
And finally, regarding Cadre-restructure, the ADG(HRM) has explained that the DoP&T has informed that it will take a decision only after finalizing the CBDT cadre-restructuring file. We were also informed that the DoPT has asked not to include any pay related issues in cadre-restructure. Here the ADG(HRM), has assured that a separate file will be initiated and sent to DoP&T regarding the four tier structure as we demanded vide our earlier representations. We were also asked to submit a fresh representations based on which a new file will be initiated and sent to DoP&T concurrence. 
Our Association is making all efforts unitedly, as a team, to settle the issues at the earliest. Hopefully, the results will follow soon.
Sudharsan J
Secretary General.