Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Pune, the 24th January, 2012.

Dear Members,

The Association has been continuously pursuing the demand for upgradation of the Pay Scales of Administrative officers and Deputy Office Superintendents. However, the demands have not been accepted so far. Whereas, it has now transpired that the Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association had filed a case before the Hon'ble Tribunal for upgradation of the payscales of Inspectors and Income Tax officers seeking parity with similarly placed cadres and have got a favourable verdict. The copy of the judgement can be accessed by clicking here.

It is time for us to follow the path of litigation, as the path of pursuasion has failed and have not yielded any result so far. However, we can succeed, only if there is constant support and monitoring of the case. All the members may send in their views and suggestions, as the Association is likely to go ahead with filing of a common case on the matter.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Mony,
Secretary General

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Pune, the 19th January, 2011
Dear Members, 

The file relating to holding of CAO DPC has been returned by UPSC for one more time, with certain deficiencies, which it is presumed to be repetitive. All the responsible members are urged upon to ensure that these deficiencies are set right at the earliest possible time and send a mail in confirmation of the same, to the Association, for following up the issue. 

The deficiencies pointed out are placed below and can be accessed by clicking here.

Yours sincerely,
Thomas Mony,
Secretary General.