Monday, October 31, 2011


Pune, the 31st October, 2011

Dear Members,

Belated Greetings to all the Members on the auspicious festive season!  It’s quite some time since, the blog was updated.  Though the office bearers of the Association were putting in concerted efforts and pursuing for early settlement of our demands, no breakthrough was achieved in the interim period.

However, during the last week, the Board has taken a conscious decision to lift the ban imposed on  Inter-Commissionerate Transfers, which was a result of continuous and persistent efforts put in on that front. Though initially the ban was partially lifted from 2009 onwards, it was restricted to a few category of employees alongwith providing additional sops in seniority fixation, which was wholly inconsistent with the settled legal position, thereby leading to numerous unwanted litigations. The Board has finally acceded to the request of various Associations based on the certain specific observation of the DOP&T with too has recognized the flaws in the Recruitment Rules, and at last the much awaited order has been issued, which will go a long way in bringing relief to the members of Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and erstwhile ‘D’ officers under CBEC, who were eagerly awaiting the same.  

An earnest appeal is being made to all the members in service to graciously acknowledge the Board’s order dated 27.10.2011, as it is not detrimental to the ones in service in a particular zone, nor does it come in the way of their seniority,  and ensure that the numerous litigations are put to rest alongwith a promise made to one’s own self that after deriving benefits, no one would attempt any unwarranted litigations in future.  To download the order please click here.

        The other issue, which has been taken up by Board is the implementation of the AP High Court order. Instructions have been issued by the Board for immediate implementation and it has also been stated therein that specific problems, if any, should be brought to the notice of the Board for remedial action. Copy of the order can be seen by clicking here.

        Further, the Board has also referred certain proposals to the Department of Expenditure with positive recommendations, which if approved, will surely bring in the much needed relief on one of the most important demand, the outcome of which will be made known at the appropriate time.

Apart from this, you all may be aware of the process relating to review of Recruitment Rules in respect of which the Association had called for suggestions/ comments.  Since there has been no value addition on this front, the Association is proceeding with providing inputs to the Board for an early consideration of the same.   Ironically, while the Board has been sensitive to the demand of this Association with regard to grant of higher grade pay to the Administrative Officers as well as Deputy Office Superintendents, on the contrary there also exists a proposal mooted for merger of DOS and STA cadres, post cadre restructuring.  Our Association has already been vocal and resistive about such a move, as it would be detrimental in the overall interest of our Cadre.  While the Association is engaged in discussion with the Board against taking any such decision, and hopes that the said proposal will die a natural death, simultaneously all the members need to be aware of the same and rise to the occasion, if ever at any stage, there comes a necessity of mass protest in any form.

        Its time for some of our beloved members, i.e. all the Administrative Officers who are instrumental in assisting the Cadre Controlling Authorities in smooth functioning of office work to ascertain as to whether the report called for by the Board with regard to certain discrepancies identified for holding of Chief Accounts DPC is complied with.  Incase the report is not sent, the same may be sent immediately as the All India Association is being given to understand that there are 4 more reports to be received by the Board, after which the file will be sent to UPSC for fixing of DPC date.  

        Anticipating maximum co-operation from the members of our Association and expecting some more good news for the cadre in the days to come, I remain,

Yours sincerely,