Monday, July 18, 2011

Meeting at Delhi


Pune, the 17th July, 2011

Dear Members,

          As you are aware, the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association was held on the 11th of July, 2011 at New Delhi, on the eve of meeting scheduled with the Hon’ble Chairman, CBEC to discuss the various pending demands of the Association. The minutes of the meeting is placed below this message. Further, the Office Bearers of the Association met the Hon’ble Chairman on 12.07.2011, at 17.00 Hrs instead of at 12.30 Hrs., as scheduled earlier and had a fruitful discussion in the presence of the following Board officials.

(i)                Shri. Lok Ranjan, Joint Secretary (Admin), CBEC
(ii)              Shri. L.R. Aggarwal, Deputy Secretary, Ad.II, CBEC
(iii)            Shri. S.K. Deb, Deputy Secretary, Ad.III, CBEC
(iv)            Shri. S.Ramachandra, Section Officer, Ad.III.B

The office Bearers of the All India Customs Ministerial Officers Association were also present during the said meeting.  The Hon’ble Chairman, CBEC first took up the grievances relating to the Customs Association and thereafter the demands of our Association were taken up for discussion. The in principle decision arrived at consequent to the discussion  is also placed below separately for information.

          Looking forward for some early positive action at the Board level.

Sincerely Yours,

(Thomas Mony)
Secretary General

1. Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
2. Meeting with the Hon'ble Chairman on various demands- Outcome