Thursday, June 30, 2011


Date:- 29.06.2011

Dear Comrades,

        The Association had requested the Hon’ble Chairman of CBEC, to convene a meeting with the Senior Officers in the Ministry with the Office bearers of the Association, in order to discuss and resolve the long pending demands. On consideration of the said request, the chairman has convened a meeting on the 12th of July, 2011 at 12.30 Hrs.

2.     In view of the above, it has been decided to hold a meeting of the Office Bearers of the All India Association. Accordingly, notice is hereby given for a meeting of all the Office Bearers of the All India Association at New Delhi on 11.07.2011 at 18.00 Hrs. The agenda for the meeting is as under:-

1.    Developments on Cadre Restructuring proposal 
2.    Discuss and Finalise the agenda which are to be raised in the Meeting with the Chairman on various pending demands
3.    Finalise the reply to DG, HRD on framing of Recruitment Rules
4.    Renewal of recognition of the Association
5.    Finalise the date and venue for the convention of the Association
6.    Any other matter concerning the cadre

3.     All the Office Bearers of the All India Association and the zonal/unit representatives are requested to attend the said meeting. They are also requested to bring to notice any issue concerning the cadre, which requires to be taken up with the Board/Ministry in the said meeting.

4.     Further, the zones/units which have not remitted the dues of the Association are requested to make necessary arrangements for settling the same at the earliest, latest by 08.07.2011, apart from ensuring that the DDO certificates are obtained and submitted to the All India Association by that date.

Yours sincerely,
Thomas Mony
Secretary General.

Friday, June 10, 2011

New Delhi, the 10th June, 2011.

Dear Comrades,

Kind reference is invited to the earlier post whereby the Association had called upon all the members and the officer bearers to ensure that follow up the matter of furnishing reply to the discrepancies/deficiencies that have been pointed out by the UPSC and communicated to the Cadre Controlling Authorities in the matter of Promotions to the Grade of CAO. In this regard, it has been pointed out that the letter is dated 3rd May, 2010 and the last date for submission has been mentioned as 12.06.2010 and had requested to take up the matter for re-issuance of the said letter. However, it was not possible to do so for the reason that the file is under correspondence and it was further pointed out by the Section Officer concerned i.e., Shri. Awinash Chandra, SO, Ad.II.A (ph:011-2309-5533) that the letter has been issued on 31.05.2011, which has been recorded on the said letter and requested to ensure that replies are received in time.. Therefore, it is requested that the same may be explained to the CCAs and necessary action may be taken for doing the needful.

The Board has issued a letter, seeking certain information from all the CCAs for considering downgradation of the vacant posts in the grade of DOS to STA, a copy of which is placed below for information.

All the Unit representatives are requested to kindly ensure that necessary reply is furnished by the CCAs within the deadline communicated in the said letter. I hope the responsible Office bearers would swing into action immediately.

Yours sincerely,
Thomas Mony.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Dear Members,

The Ministry had forwarded the proposal to UPSC for convening DPC for filling up of vacancies in the grade of CAO. The UPSC has reported certain deficiencies, which are required to be rectified before re-submission of the file. The Board has accordingly communicated the same to the respective cadre controlling authorities a copy of which is placed below for information. A copy of the pdf file is also placed in the link provided below the images.

It is requested that all the responsible and concerned Members may kindly follow up the matter with their respective cadre controlling authorities and ensure that a reply is sent as early as possible positively by 10th of June, 2011. You all are aware that the matter has already been delayed very badly and let us not add to the delay any further.

I hope and expect that all the responsible Office Bearers will rise to the occasion and play their part in ensuring that the desired information reaches the Board in time.

Yours sincerely,
Thomas Mony.