Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pune, 20th April, 2011.

Dear Members,

Many of you might have by now come to know that the Central Excise Inspectors' Association alongwith the Superintendents' Association are going in for an agitational programme with separate charter of demands. In the previous message dated 20.03.2011 on the blog, the activities of the Joint Action Committee was brought to the notice of the Members. In this background a meeting of the Leaders of all Associations was convened by Com.Koushik Roy, Secretary General of the Inspectors Association at New Delhi on the 05th April,2011. The President and other representatives participated in the meeting with an open mind.

In the meeting the proposal of the agitational programme was discussed and a consensus could not be reached for various reasons. The main reason was that the notice for the agitational programme was to be issued separately by the individual Associations, which would have undermined the Joint Action Committee. Though the leaders requested the Inspectors' Association and the Superintendents' Association to come on board of the Joint Action Committee and then go for the agitational programme, it was not agreed upon. Therefore, the leaders of this Association decided to not participate in the agitational programme at this juncture, in the manner it was proposed to us.

At the outset, I would like to state that this Association still has an open mind to go in for an sustained agitational programme, with a specific charter of demand under the banner of the Joint Action Committee, which alone can show the true and full strength of the Officers and cadres of the Department. While extending our best wishes and moral support the respective Associations in all their endeavour including the proposed agitational programme, which commences from today, we sincerely hope that they would come under the common umbrella, in the near future.

with regards,

Thomas Mony,
Secretary General

Monday, April 11, 2011


Date:- 11.04.2011

Dear Comrades,

The President, the Organising Secretary and Assistant Secretary General had visited New Delhi recently to participate in the Departmental Anomaly Committee Meeting which was scheduled on 05.04.2011. The updates on various issues and the ones that were taken up, pertaining to the cadre, during the said visit are placed below for information:-

Departmental Anomaly Committee meeting :-

As stated in the notice for the meeting only the points that were not taken up for discussion in the last meeting were taken up. The point relating to grant of Grade Pay of Rs.2800/- to Tax Assistants came up for discussion. The recommendations of the 5th CPC and implementation of the same in Railways and Accounts Department were brought to the notice of the Committee. The leader of the Staff Side too supported our arguments. However, the response from the Chairman was not encouraging as the standard reply came again i.e., that this is not an anomaly as per the definition of “Anomaly”. However, it has been stated from the beginning that he would support the demands on the merits of each case and it should be taken up outside the purview of the committee. In this case, he stated that this is a anomaly of the 5th CPC and it cannot be considered now as it should have been resolved before the 6th CPC itself. He further stated that as the 6th CPC has recommended the appropriate replacement scales this would not constitute as an anomaly of 6th CPC.

Further, the issue regarding the Grade Pay of AO and DOS came up in connection with another point which was taken for discussion. The president had made a forceful submission on the matter and also provided copy of the orders wherein higher Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- had been granted to Administrative Officers in the Ministry of Telecom and National Library, Kolkatta. The Chairman came close to accepting the demand, however, he said we shall look into it while recording the findings on each point.

At the end of the meeting it was informed that another meeting will be convened to record the specific findings on each of the agenda points, as to whether it would constitute an anomaly or otherwise, depending on which the next course of action will be decided.

The Chairman had further stated that the Departmental council will be constituted and the meeting will be convened as early as possible, and also indicated that it could well be anytime within the next three months. As of now, this is an important development/outcome to have emerged from this meeting.

Cadre Restructuring:-
The representatives had a very lenghty and fruitful meeting with the Hon'ble Member (P&V), and discussed various demands of the Association which need to be included in the ongoing cadre restructuring exercise. She appreciated the issues that were raised, and stated that the file is still in the Department of Expenditure. She assured that in case, the file comes back with some queries and if there is a possibility where any of our demands can be included the same will be considered positively. A letter on this issue has also been submitted.

After the above meeting we had met the Hon'ble Chairman late in the evening (around 9.00 pm) on the 04th April,2011, despite his busy schedule, as he was preparing to leave for Belgium on Official trip the next day. He stated that many of our demands have already been included in the proposal,  and the other demands which were raised before him will also be taken care of, if there is an opportunity to do so.  On 6th April, we also met the ADG (HRM) on the matter in which all these points were discussed at length. On the issue of the hierarchical structure and higher Grade pay for AO/DOS, he said that the issue can be taken up only after the minutes of the Departmental Anomaly Committee meeting is received. On the matter regarding relaxation of the qualifying service, it was stated that the issue would be considered positively, as the restructuring itself is being carried out to remove stagnation and every effort would be made to bring parity amongst all zones. He further stated that on receiving the approval of the Cadre Review Proposal from the Government, a meeting of the Associations would be convened to discuss the allocation of the posts among zones, after consultation with the Board on the matter.

Promotions to the Grade of Chief Accounts Officer:-

The matter relating to CAO promotions were followed up. Though the file and relevant documents for holding DPC for promotion to the post of CAO were sent to UPSC, it is now learnt that the same is likely to be returned to the Board’s Office for want of further documents/records. In the meanwhile the Association has decided to take up the matter with the Board for granting Ad-hoc promotions. The Association also had raised the issue of non-circulation of the Seniority list for the grade of Administrative Officers and has requested to expedite the matter.

Grant of pay fixation benefits on promotion from erstwhile OS to AO:-

This issue has been pursued vigorously by the Association. However, it has not attained finality due to the attitude of the Department of Expenditure. The Ministry of Law had been expressing helplessness due to the reason that the matter has been remaining sub-judice in one form or another. As on date, the matter has again been referred to the Ministry of Law from where a positive outcome is expected this time.

Supreme Court matters:-

The status of the seniority case in the Supreme Court, in the appeal against the Madras High Court order, was pursued. It is hoped that the case could come up for hearing any time.

Other matters:-

The issue relating to grant of relaxation for promotion to the Grade of Inspector/STA was also pursued. The issue was also discussed with the Chairman and the Member (P&V), who have assured to take a positive decision in the matter.

The process of allocation of Tax Assistants (DR) is also underway. On receipt of willingness from all the candidates the allocation would be finalized. It is learnt that the process would be completed in another 2-3 months time.

The opening up of ICT for all, is again under the consideration of the Board. Representations received in this regard are being examined. It is hoped that some positive outcome will emerge soon.