Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Dear friends in service,
During the Cadre Restructuring of 2001, the undersigned intended to join hands with the then Secretary General of All India Ministerial Officers Federation to work on the same collectively thereby ensuring that the legitimate expectations of the members from all cadres are taken into consideration and a collective approach could be adopted thereby driving away resentment and increasing the quantum of faith on the Associations/Federation.

Ironically, owing to the then prevailing non-cooperation, the entire cadre has been bearing the brunt of improper framing of rules, backdoor entry of Data Entry Operators in the ministerial mainstream, non-merger of DOS L-I & L-II etc., etc., till date. While mudslinging would only take away our precious time, it would really be worthwhile to mention here that an opportunity missed in 2001 has once again knocked the door and this time I hope the entire cadre does some homework so as to provide valuable inputs to the All India Association based upon some groundwork and precedences of other similarly placed Central Govt. Departments and in consonance with the observations/recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission, rather than being emotional on issues.

The DG, HRD has invited the Association for a discussion on Cadre Restructuring and the meeting is scheduled to be held on 08.04.2010. On behalf of the entire Association, may I first thank all the office bearers and other genuine members who strived hard in reaching out and facilitating in getting the ALL India Association recognized. Had it not been for their sincere and devoted work backstage, today this invitation would not have reached the Association and we would not have been granted an opportunity to put up our areas of concern to the appropriate authorities.

Having said so, I expect each one of you to forward this mail to as many common members of the Ministerial Cadre as possible, known to you and also to those officers from our cadre who have got promoted to the grade of Inspector (for their views) so as to ensure that there is a variety of inputs received enabling the Association to consolidate and take up issues in the overall interest of the cadre. Inputs considered worthy would be taken up for discussion and the same should reach the undersigned on or before 3rd of April, 2010.

Hope the sincere and genuine inputs alongwith timely support and co-operation from one and all would help this cadre tide over the prevailing concerns and boosts its morale.
Awaiting valuable inputs, I remain,

Yours faithfully,
Thomas Mony,
Secretary General,

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Date:- 23.03.10

Dear friends,

All of you may be aware of the process of restructuring which is underway in our Department. The Board had appointed three Study groups to examine and submit their proposals. These study groups have submitted their reports. Copies of the reports are available on the website of the Director General of Human Resources Department of CBEC. You may follow the link below to view these reports.

The members and the representatives of the regional units are requested to go through the same and forward their concerns, suggestions, flaws noticed therein to the Secretary General immediately, preferably, before 31st of March, 2010, in order to consolidate and submit a detailed proposal to the Board in respect of our cadre. Proposals/Suggestions with the support of statistical data would be highly appreciated.

With regards,


Secretary General

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Comrades,

The Association is proud to inform all its members that the Ministry has granted recognition to this Federation/Association for a period of two years, vide order F.No.B.12017/15/2005-AD.IV.A. dated 04.03.2010 (copy is placed on the Blog ). I take this opportunity to thank each and every member of this Association, all Office bearers of the All India Federation/Association and the representatives of the regional units and all those who have contributed their bit to succesfully accomplish this task. I also remind each and every member and other concerned about their responsibilities, and seek their continued support and co-operation in future, to achieve all our goals unitedly.
Thanking you,
Yours comradely,
Secretary General.